Chapter 9:

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Adam's POV*

I was walking through this corridor but I couldn't make out where I was..... I was ... I was at school. I was about 14. I walked past 3 the popular people trying to ignore them, but... but they were near my locker. "Excuse me guys but I need to get to my locker", I said scared of what they will do. "oh look guys it's the gay faggot", the leader of the group said. "he probably wants to kiss us", another said. "Please stop it guys, this isn't right", I said trying to stand up for myself. I was thinking back to when all this started. I was talking to my best friend Nate. He was really nice to me. He told me who he really was an wants to be and I went along with him after that. But he got bullied so bad for being gay that committed suicide. A tear rolled down my face as one of the boys kicked me. I was on the ground when I saw this girl her name was Claire. she stopped them from kicking me and helped my up. And since them we became friends.

I woke up in the morning to a disturbing phone call. "What are you sure it's her", I yelled at the nurse who was a woman on the phone. I grabbed my stuff and a couple of stuff for Claire. I raced to the hospital when I walked through the doors and couldn't believe what I saw!

Avi's POV*

I was awaken by this guy yelling at me, I couldn't understand what he was saying but he must be Adam, the nurse told me he was coming to see Claire. I rubbed my eyes and hopped out of the bed that Claire was sharing with me and stood up and stretched for a bit. I turned around and faced Adam and introduced myself. I didn't expect what was coming next. Adam stretched his arm out and slapped me right in the eye. "What was that for", I asked this jerk. "That was for touching Claire. And this (he slapped me again) is for not helping her in time". I must admit he was pretty strong. "ahh", I said. "now that one hurt", I added. "Good", he said with sass. He ran over to the sleeping Claire and looked at her speechless. "Come out side and explain to me what exactly happened", he said and I followed him out side the room.

A/N what do you guys think about it so far?

Avi KaplanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora