Danteasers (a danisnotonfire fan fiction)

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  • Dedicated to danisnotonfire

'Please subscribe to my channel by clicking here. Thanks for watching, bye!' Dan finished the video with a smile. Another one down. 'And now for some tumblr and malteasers!' he said to himself, still smiling. Dan strolled over to to the kitchen cubord and gazed in. He spotted his prize. A big pack of malteasers sat there, staring back at him.

Dan flopped down on his sofa, assuming his browsing position. He grabbed his laptop and typed tumblr into google. After scrolling through the fan art, he switched to fan fiction as he was looking throught the stories about Him and Phil, Him and PJ, Him and Cris and finaly him and random fangirls, he sighed. A deep, meaningfull sigh. If only they knew who his true love was. He looked at them with loving eyes. Dan reached towards them and grabbed them. The malteasers in his hand shone in the orange glow coming from the amber lamp. Dan put a malteaser in his mouth and crunched. Man, did he love maltesers. At this point he had completely forgotton about tumblr. It was just him and the malteasers. Dan took another and raised it to his lips as he put the chocolate in his mouth he felt it desolve, savoring the taste. He carried on in this manor through the entire packet. Dan was enjoying the malteasers so much he didn't realise when they were running out.

Finally he got to the point where the malteasers ran out. Dan reached into the packet greedily. His heart fell as he discovered it to be empty. Dan felt the tears running down his face as he screamed 'NOOOOOOOOOO!' Dan tok a breath, gulping back tears 'WHYYYYYYY?.'

Phil, In the other room ran into Dan's bedroom to find Dan curled up in a ball, sobbing. 'Ummm...' Phil didn't know what to do. He backed away slowly and went to play with lion.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2014 ⏰

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