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Clawy was at his usal routine: punching the cells bars and plotting revenge against Boxy, he mumbled insults and punch as he knew it was hopeless for those bars to break and he only stop when he see blood but today something happen.

Clawy was punching the bars then all sudden it breaks and the whole front cell collapse....he was free...Free from all the lonely in the cell he steps out and grabs a broken piece from iron bars that hold him and grip it hard as he was ready to find the others and kill Boxy once and for all.

He walked down the halls and tried to find the others all the cells where empty and had a few names that Boxy never mention "Killer"...."Taco Man"..?.."Jake and Jack"..."Throwing Knife,Ballstic Knife, and Combat Knife"..."This might be his OCs when he was young..." Clawy mummbled before seeing a door labed Wattpad OCs.

"Wait but I was also from wattpad right?" Clawy asked himself condused as he enter the door.

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