Chapter 5 : A Change Of Heart

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Hermione did not see Draco for days after what had happened in the locker room. She had this feeling that he avoided her on purpose, not willing to face questions and rebuke. She could totally understand that. But still.. she was mad at him for leaving without giving her an explanation. She caught herself looking at the Slytherin table during every meal, just to find out that his spot right next to Parkinson was empty. Days passed and Hermione felt both, worry and anger. What if he did not feel good ? If he needed help ? But he probably did not want her help. Or he needed help with something she could not help him with. Either way, he did not seem to plan anything that involved her anytime soon.
It was not before six days after the kiss when she first saw him walking through a 6th floor corridor. His eyes widened when he recognized her and he turned around to flee - but Hermione was quicker.

"Malfoy, wait.", she yelled, but he did not stop.

She reached him and touched his arm, which forced him to stand still. He looked puzzled. His skin was - if that was even possible - paler than six days ago and the shadows below his eyes got darker. His hair was messy. His face did not show any emotion.

"What ?", Draco replied harshly.

"I think we should talk.", Hermione's voice was as quiet as possible.

"I think we've been talking too much lately.", he made an attempt to shake her hand off his arm, but her grip only got tighter.

"It was you who was looking for contact.", she reminded him.

"Mhm, so you're trying to tell me that I spied on you at the train station ?"

"It wasn't like that and you know it.", Hermione felt the need to defend herself, "plus I wasn't the one who kissed you."

"It takes two to tango.", he simply answered and looked her straight in the eye. Cold. Without a single sign of sympathy.

She glared back, furious and shocked. But what did she expect ? This was Malfoy after all. This was just the side of him she had known for too many years. He was right, you need two people for a kiss. She was not innocent. But he made the first step - or did she, by being interested in him in first place ? She did not know. The only thing she knew was how rejected and hurt she felt. His cold behavior did not match his warm kiss.

"Fine, then." Her lips were trembling, while she looked into his hard eyes. She was about to go and leave him alone, when he gave his response.

"Let's just forget it happened."

Hermione snorted despicably.

"Forget that what happened ? It was nothing mentionable, I already forgot.", now her voice was trembling just like her lips.

"What did you expect, Granger ? It was only a kiss, not more.", Draco was suddenly very interested in his shoes.

His eyes were tacked on them as if he thought flames came out of his ears when he looked somewhere near Hermione.

"Well, I guess you're right. And what did you mean when you said you want to spend time with me ? I bet that was an act, too.", her voice was merely a whisper.

She did not want to hear the answer, but she needed to.

Draco shrugged.

"I knew what you wanted to hear, so I said it. Your best friend brought my father to Azkaban, so I thought I'd return the like and hurt someone close to him this time."

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