Family Business: Part 2

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Kaden POV:

"Kaden please tell me" Katalina says now grabbing my shirt. This is it I'm telling her, I have to.

"Katalina sit down, and I'll tell you everything." I say leading her to the stairs by the door.

Katalina POV:

Once I sit down I don't waste a moment and ask again,

"How do you know me?"

He looks right at me an says

"I was your best friend, after the accident you forgot about me."

An accident? Does he mean when me and my father got into a car accident?

"When you were small you and your dad went out together for ice cream." He laughs

"You always wanted ice cream." I smile a little cause I remember that. My dad after coming home from work would always take me for ice cream.

"But this time when you guys went there were people following you, your father didn't notice until it was too late." What's is he trying to say?

Kaden POV:

I look at her trying to see if she possibly remembers anything from that day, But she only looks confused.

"Your Dad didn't die from a car accident." Her face turns from confused to shocked and angry.

"Your Dad was being followed by a car and when he noticed the people in the car they had already started to shoot an......"

"LIAR" she screams interrupting me.

Katalina POV:

How could he say that? How could he lie? Why would he say these things?

"My Dad died in a car crash, no one shot him. Why would someone be following him?" I rush out and stand and he follows.

"Your Dad was in a gang, he was targeted. You got caught in the shooting and you were badly injured. You were in a coma for ....."  I've had enough, if he doesn't want to tell me the truth then I wont keep listening to this crap.

"SHUT UP" he looks shocked that I yelled so I lower my voice, but I'm still angry. " Just stop lying" I can't believe him.

"Katalina I'm not lying, You were in a coma for almost a month. Everyone was so scared that you would never wake up. They said that you could've died, the doctors didn't let me see you once you woke up. They said that I could cause you to go into shock if you remember to much of what happened. Everyone told you that your dad died in a car accident and that you were badly hurt since you were close to the impact of the car."

He's lying, he's lying, he can't be telling the truth, it's impossible..... My father was not in a gang, we didn't get shot.

"Pull up your shirt." He says reaching for the hem. Is he crazy...

"What do you think your doing?" I say moving away from him.

"You have a scar in the center of your stomach from where you were shot." I freeze, how does he know I have a scar?

I lift my shirt enough to see the scar...

"Now tell me, does that look like a it came from anything other than a bullet."

I look at my scar like I have a thousand times before, but now I see it..... he's right...


Authors note:

Hopefully you liked this chapter XD, Please vote and comment your thoughts. I'll be updating very soon... 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2017 ⏰

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