Chapter 12

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Brian was pacing in his apartment, walking back and forth across the living room over and over, running a hand through his hair again.  "I'm such a fucking idiot..."  He was questioning his sanity, risking his career and Dan's future, both their reputations.  He'd thrown a frozen pizza in the oven, and now he was questioning that too.  His brain was going on overdrive, edging towards panic.  Brian squeezed his eyes shut, taking a long, slow breath.  

He wanted this.  Dan had said he wanted this.  They were both adults, well into their adulthoods.  This was okay.  This was all going to be okay.


He jumped slightly at a knock at the door, quickly fixing his hair before going over to the door.  With a deep breath, he pulled the door open, smiling when he saw Dan standing in the hall, holding a single rose, his heart beating a million times a second.  "Hey."  He smiled, stepping aside to let Dan in.

Dan smiled brightly, handing the flower to him.  "Hey.  Thanks for letting me in."

Brian rolled his eyes a little, ignoring the heat creeping in on his cheeks as he looked at the flower.  "I thought it'd go over better than leaving you out in the hall all night."

Dan grinned.  "Probably.  I prefer it, anyway."

Brian smiled, going into the kitchen to fill a mug with water, putting the rose in it.  "Then I guess it's worth it."

Dan hummed lightly, looking around Brian's apartment.  It was small, but not too small.  There were several bookshelves, stuffed full of books, a few action figures, and a keyboard with papers all over a small table next to it, some spilling onto the floor.  Dan bent down, picking up a sheet of music.  It was sloppy, clearly having been written extremely fast, the notes slanted slightly.  He could almost make out what it would sound like as it was played, scribbled out titles along the top.  "Hey Brian?"

"Mhm?"  Brian set the mug with the flower on his windowsill before turning around.

"What's this?"  He held up the sheet music.

"That?  It's nothing.  Just an old piece I gave up on."  Brian waked over and took it from Dan, setting it on the table.  

"Can- can you play it for me?"

"What?"  Brian quirked an eyebrow as he looked up at Dan.

"I want to hear you play it."  He gave a sheepish smile.

"Oh. Uh, yeah, sure.  It's not that great though... I haven't done much work on it."  He picked up the sheet, sitting down at the keyboard and adjusting the settings.  He glanced up at Dan, who smiled at him.  With a somewhat shy smile, Brian looked at the music and started to play, the music quiet and gentle.  The melody was soft, a soothing song.  Brian was hyper focused, wanting to make a good impression on Dan, wanting to sound good, wanting to not screw up a perfectly good opportunity.

Dan noticed how nervous Brian was, how he flinched every time something sounded off.  Dan thought the composition sounded great, but it was clear Brian didn't.  He let out a long sigh when he finished.  "That was fucking terri-"

"That sounded great!"  Dan cut him off, not wanting to see Brian all self-deprecation-y.  Was that even a word?  Probably not.

"Thanks, but I think we both know it wasn't.  It may be the worst thing I've ever written, so there's that."  He crumpled up the paper angrily, letting out another sigh, frustrated.

Dan set a hand on Brian's shoulder.  "Brian... are you okay?"

He shrugged, standing up.  "Yeah, fine."

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