Man-Whores First Love

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"okay, were done here." Harry told the Blondie he currently was having sex with. She scoffed. "Really Harry? I thought you actually liked me and you were finally going to ask me out on a date?" "Um, no...look i just wanted to fuck that's all." Harry said while putting his clothes on. "well then get the FUCK OUT!" Blondie said while shoving Harry out her bedroom. "Hey! don't be mad you know i'm not those types of guys that dates girl's, I just fuck and leave, I told you this before!" Harry said while gladly walking out her front door. "WELL NO WONDER YOUR SUCH A DICK! YOU NEED SOMEONE TO LOVE NOT JUST TO FUCK! MAYBE THEN YOU WONT BE SUCH A DOUCHE!" She yelled out quite loudly while walking back into her house. Harry scoffed. As if she would know anything about love. All she does is whore around. ha-ha Love ah. I actually never thought of falling in love or all that lovey shit and I don't plan on it. Harry didn't think that long about what that Blondie bitch said. He was perfectly fine just fucking each girl that would come his way.

Ugh. sorry it's so squished together guys, it's my first time writing, hope you guys enjoy it though!

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