Chapter 2

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Harry's POV:

As I got into my car my phone started ringing. Nialls name came across the screen.

"Hello" Nialls Irish voice was heard.

"Whats up Nialler?" I asked him while shutting my car door.

"Where you at mate?" Niall asked me as I was putting my key into the engine.

"I was you know.." Niall knows exactly what I'm talking about when i say that.

"Wow! Another fuck in what...2 days?" Niall knows me too much.

"Ha ha! Not even! I do it whenever I'm lonely and horny...which is all the time.." I say as I drive off this bitches house.

"Mate I think what you need is a-"

"No! Don't fuckin say it Niall! You know that I would never date anyone! I don't date, I fuck... That's my motto." I said cutting off Niall.

"Ha ha! That's your motto?! Wow mate you are something else anyways I called to see if you wanted to hang out later with the boys and I? Since we start school tomorrow." Mhh... That does sound like a good idea especially since I have nothing else to do later.

"Okay sure since I have nothing else to do, why not." I shrugged even though he could'nt see me.

"Okay come by my house around 5 and bring food!" Niall pratically makes me go death.

"Okay okay I got to go i'm driving, ill see you later" I sigh.

"Yea okay see ya later mate" I ended the call before he said anything else. I was'nt feeling so good right now and all i wanted to do was go home and take a short nap before meeting up with the boy's.


I was just heading out to go to Nialls house and I stopped by the store to get this wanker some food. Man I swear that kid can eat so much and he is still as skinny as a twig. 

"Hey mate thought you weren't going to make it since it took you almost an hour to get here and you don't even live that far!" Niall yelled while taking the bags of food I had.

"Well sorry I had to get food for a certain leprechaun and I took a half hour nap. I had a major headache" I told him while taking a seat on the sofa by Louis and fixing my curls that were everywhere from my nap.

"Yea i wonder why you got a "major headache" it must have been from last night when you were to busy fuckin that chick" Niall shook his head while doing air quote's with his fingers.

"Yea haz I thought we told you to stop being such a whore and stop sleeping with every hot piece of ass you see" Louis laughed.

"You guy's know that's what I usually do...but I'll try not to sleep with every girl that crosses my way" I said sincerely.

"Great! because the lads and I didn't really wanna stay here tonight..." Zayn announced while stealing some of Nialls crisps.

"What do you mean?..." I asked unsure of what Zayn meant by that. 

"Means that we all decided that since it's the last day of summer break and we have to go back to that hell hole called school that we would go out for drinks, dance, and maybe meet a few girls...You know?" Liam spoke up while motioning his hands around to get to the point.

"Yes I know but...ugh what if we go and we have a killer headache tomorrow?" I groaned.

"In case you guy's forgot we start school TOMORROW and I am really not looking forward to a headache...again.." I added. 

"Look Haz first of all we are not going there just to DRINK and second that's not our fault that you got a headache today" Louis sighed.

"Yea Louis right...we are going to the pub wither you're going or not we just wanna have some fun before school" Zayn said as he stood up to go get something to drink.

"Ugh fine we'll go" I gave up I mean they are right were starting school tomorrow I guess I'll go have some fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2014 ⏰

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