Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

It started as a typical morning, the alarm clock resounded within the room, waking up an already grumpy Sarah. 'Gosh, it's already Thursday,' she murmurs as she rolls on the bed and turned off the alarm clock. She covered her head with the bed covers, but her attempt to sleep was short-lived because her second alarms sounded off. Grunting, she pulled the cover further up but the sound emitting from the alarm clock was annoying. She wondered why she uses that type of sound, but then again it was the only sound that could wake her. Removing the cover, she turns off the alarm and sat down on the bed with her right hand under her chin.

Today was Thursday, just one more day before the weekend and Lord knows she couldn't wait for this weekend. She needed rest, both physically and emotionally. Work was ethic, as usual, don't get her wrong, she loves was she was doing. Been a rising star within the community of writers and a novice in the photography world was something she was proud of. It had always been her dream to be a writer and a photographer.

True be told, her salary was something she never expected including the bonuses she would receive once in a while from her boss. It was enough for her to pay her bills and support her family back in her country and at the end of the month more than enough to survive. The small-town media located in the city of East Orange, New Jersey was not ideal but it was enough for her, especially after living there for a year. Of course, she had no plans of staying there; she had big dreams and one of them was to work for the New York Times. Until then she had to make her name and the deluxe media was the perfect place.

Sarah was not American; she was from Haiti. A year ago she moved to the states when she was hired by the Deluxe. They had read one of her articles online about a social event she wrote and they fell in love with her style of writing. She was unable to refuse the offer and without hesitation, she packed her bags and moved to the states. She always had a knack for adventures as well as been a risk-taker; she took a leaped of faith and to this day, she hadn't regretted it. She had a good amount of fan base and her superiors were more than satisfied with her work. Of course, leaving her tropical country for a four-season country was not easy but she managed, she just couldn't stand the cold.

She missed her family back in Haiti. Though last she saw them was a week ago when she took a week off to surprise her little sister for her birthday. The surprise was a success, just remembering her little sister's face when she saw her, brought a smile to hers. It was crazy; just how much she missed them. Sighting, she drags herself out of bed and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

It was 10 past 7 when she made it to the office, which was located on the second floor. In a three-floor building, the Deluxe news media was located in the center of Newark City and held about more than 100 offices. They were growing rapidly. What started inside of a one-room warehouse had turned into something very big. If the company continues to grow so, pretty soon it will require to move into another building, of course, that could take some time, until then, what matters to her was to deliver the best materials.

She shared her office with her colleague, roommate and best friend Anna. Anna was responsible for the sports column. That girl was a sports addict, there's nothing you couldn't ask her about sports that she didn't have an answer too and her writing was just wonderful. From the type of exercise, healthy food, what kind of sport best suited you and more, she could give it to you and she was only 26 years old. They met when she first arrived at the Deluxe and they click right off and have been inseparable since then.

"Morning Anna, how was the night"

"Morning Sarah, my night bad, can you imagine Golden state's lost the championship last night, can you imagine it" Anna got up from her chair and walked over to her desk with a dramatic look on her face "Sarah, please, please let me die, I can't believe they lost the game, that was so unfair, and that cutie Stephen Curry was not at his best, though of course at the end when he started making all those three-pointers, that was yes, yes and then at the last minutes..."

"Yes Anna, thanks to you I was forced to watch the game, I have to agree that it was a nice game, I don't agree with the way the Cleveland cavalier won the game, but it was a good game. You know, they won and that's that"

"My dear Sarah, let me tell you, how can I write a blog about my least favorite team. There's nothing nice I can say about them; Golden state warriors are my team. I am going on a riot"

"You wouldn't do such a thing"

"Then you don't know me. I will go on a riot and demand a rematch; I have a whole fan base that will agree with me"

"Did you take your dose of tea this morning Anna?"

"Of course I did," said she looking purposely horrified

"Then go back and start working on that article, you know its due in an hour"

"I am not doing it"

"Yes you will"

"And why are you so sure of yourself?"

Every morning it was like that between us. She acted dramatically and I would boost her ego, like I was about to do at the moment "You wouldn't do it, because you are the best sport column that this small city local media had ever seen plus you may not like the Cavalier that much, you will still do it because you are writer and that's what you do best"

Her eyes had this glorious glow for just a couple of second, then the grin came and next she jumped out of her chair, came around my office and gave me this huge hug and a kiss on the cheek "Good morning my Sarah" and with that she skips to her desk and started typing away. I was smiling as I sat down on my desk. Yes, that was our routine every morning. Though she and I were close in age with just a year difference, she was more of a kid than a young adult. But that was her charms and her beauty.

As Sarah turned on her computer, she started noting down all her to-do list. She had a lot to write about. Today will indeed be another busy day of writing. Putting her headset, she opened her playlist and selected Indian music. That was her mood, and since most of her articles will have to be about love, listening to Indian music will give her the inspiration she needed. She had no clue about the meaning of the words since she did not understand the language. However, the soothing melodic sound calmed her spirit and will plunge her into a world where love reign.

For lunch she and Anna had gone to a subway restaurant where they joke and laugh, attracting the attention of every passerby. True be told those two were of unknown beauty. They both look like they were not of this time, but more like the time of the ancient Egyptian queens. Sarah being Haitian with her dark light skin, dark brown eyes, small nose and not so small lips and her round face, and a body that portrays her workout. Anna, being Haitian American with her light brown eyes, dark skin, small nose, plump small lips, her long yet round face. They both had curly hair that reached past their shoulders. They had this look of innocence about them and men of all ages will always stop and admire them. Women's on the other side was another story.

Wonder if they notice the attention that was always sent their way. In their office, they had so many admirers, but none ever took the chance to talk to them. They were beautiful, yes, but they were strong women with high standards and were intimidating. Thus, some men kept their crush within themselves and resigned at admiring. Others have tried but failed miserably. It was not the girls' fault, they needed real men, and thus far, they haven't found one. So, to this day they were still single and had their focus solely on their work. They believe that Mr. Right will show up when he has to show up until then they were going to live life to the best of their abilities. Sitting in that subway restaurant, they were making plans on traveling to Scotland to visit the old country that emerge them into a non-existing reality. Thanks to all the medieval romantic books they have been reading.

Meantime back in their office, the chief of Editor Colin Farrell was sitting in a meeting with the well-known lady millionaire Carla Brown. The annual charity banquet was to be held on the following day and Carla wanted the best writer on the event. 

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