Chapter One

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Cheryls POV

There are many things in life that i dont expect to happen. My singing career being one of them. I mean its very rare that anyone makes such a success out of themselves and stays on the scene for over 10 years, its something i highly pride myself in. I mean i have to, you see im not very lucky in other aspects of my life. There seems to be some sort of bad luck following me everywhere i go and i try to avoid it with all my might, my god i try to not even think of it but there comes moments when it all gets too much.

Two failed marriages in front of the entire world. The world has yet to know about my second marriage failing, us only getting married in June, 7/7/2014. I thought the date meant something magical but almost immediately it turned sour. He turned into a man i didn't recognise. My own fault really for getting married so fast into the relationship. I knew it wasn't ideal and so did everyone else as they made it quite clear to openly discuss but im a sucker for love and thats what gets me every time.

Its now November 2015 and we haven't been together properly for nearly 10 months. Silly i know, get married and split up within a couple of months. He just became so obsessive and jealous that i couldn't cope with being romantic with him in any way. This meant i became so stressed in the whole situation that i didn't eat, that resulting in the whole world criticizing me for losing such a high amount of weight in such a short time. I knew i was skinny and i knew that i looked unhealthy but what was i to do when i didn't want the whole world to know my marriage was falling apart. They still dont, not to an extent anyway i mean theres been rumours, there always has but nothings been confirmed. I still have my ring on discussing with my management that i wasn't going to take it off till after x factor because i didn't want any of the press to hound me luckily that was at least 1 thing JB was cooperating with even if he wasn't happy about the whole situation.

He never wanted a divorce, never wanted us to split up and its understandable because to him he was doing nothing wrong but it came to a point where he was having ago at Nicholas, A GAY MAN, for helping me off of those hover boards safely and i just felt suffocated like he was there no matter what and managing everything i did in my life. Yes we had arguments, explosive ones and yes there was things that we both regret saying but most of it was true and the fact that i couldn't apologise for that made me realise this isn't something i want to be in.

This brings us to now and if you wondered if my life could get any more confusing i can tell you it does. I mean I've been speaking to someone, now when i say speaking i mean texting and yes the occasional flirting i mean i technically am a single woman but mainly its just been talking. I cant say im in love because that would be a lie, im merely enjoying my time. The thing wrong with this dating relationship is that i doubt we could ever be public i mean granted with a normal non famous person i could probably publicly date them not long after my separation from JB is made public knowledge but this person isn't just a normal person. Hes famous, hes very handsome. Hes Liam Payne.

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