Chap. 2 - Finding Ne- uhh...Natsu

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Natsu P.O.V

"No! I will not calm down Lucy! Happy is probably out there all alone with no fishy in his little blue tummy!!" I said, anime crying.

Everyone around me sweatdropped.

Yesterday, me and Happy were out on a little stroll when as soon as i got back he just wasn't there! It was as if he just disappeared!

"No matter what, I will find Happy and he will come back safe and sound!" I yelled with determination set on my face.

"Natsu, we searched everywhere in Magnolia for him! well, everywhere we were allowed to go since we aren't allowed to just search random peoples' houses." Lucy explained.

"Great idea Lucy! Let's go knocking on people's doors! if they aren't home, we'll just have to look by force!" I said, proposing my foolproof plan. Lucy just sweatdropped.

"Uhh... Natsu, I think that's called breaking and entering and I'm pretty sure it's illegal..." she said, hut I was already out the new guild hall's doors and knocking on the neighbours'.

Ume's P.O.V

"WHAT!!! OMG YOU ARE A PART OF FAIRY TAIL!?" I yelled/asked the poor cat.

"Aye sir!" Happy Replied, unphased by my inner fangirl.

"It's been my dream, ever since I was a kid to join the greatest guild in existence! It was my mother's dream too... but she never got to live it." I said, a distant, faraway look in my eyes.

"Ume, tell me everything." Happy said with a serious yet kind expression in his eyes. So I sighed and told him my story.

" When I was little it was me, my Mum, my Dad and my big bro. My mother was a wizard just like me. She was young when she had me, about 24 years old. She had my brother, Sako at an even younger age of 19! Sako and I got along like the closest of best friends despite our 5 year age gap... but then the unthinkable happened. Sako fell terribly ill when he was 13. My parents were losing jewel fast, so in order to earn enough they both took on 3 jobs each. But..."

I trailed off because the memories all came flooding back at once.

I started again,

"In the end, he couldn't take it anymore and... Passed on. It tore our family apart. My Father started drinking and this resulted in him getting angry. He started ordering me and my mother around, but then on the same date 2 years after... she got ill too. and the same thing repeated itself! My Mother died at the age of 34! My father got worse and started hitting me and swearing at me, I couldn't take it anymore so I ran away from that jerk who calls himself my father!" I finished and hadn't noticed the tears streaming down my face. I had Started crying...

Happy had a look of shock on his face. He jumped over to me and started hugging me and i hugged him back. It felt good to finally get that off my chest after years of hiding from the truth.

================================================================================Time Skip- 30mins Later (>' ')> ================================================================================

Happy's P.O.V

I was so surprised at her story I just hugged her tight. half an hour later she suggested we go look for Natsu. I wanted to stay friends with her but she was just dropping me off. What to do...


when we get to the Guild Hall, I'll help her achieve her dream!

"So, what does he look like?" Ume asked me


"this Natsu you're talking about!" she clarified

"oh right! hmm.... He has pink hair but he always says: 'ITS SALMON! NOT PINK!', and he always wears a white scarf that looks like it has scales on it. He never takes it off!" I said, giving my best description of him.

"He sounds interesting, what's he like?"

"Natsu is sometimes a bit stupid and oblivious, but he cares about others alot, even if he doesn't know them! His magic is Fire and his guild mark is on his left arm."

"where do you think he is right now?" she questioned

"I bet he is knocking on everyone's door asking where i am!

'I hope...'

Natsu's P.O.V

I had knocked on every door in Magnolia and still couldn't find Happy. Suddenly, I saw a small blue blob disappear round a corner.


I peered round the corner and saw that he was in this girl's arms.

*le gasp* she was probably taking him captive!! I noticed they were going into the park, I hid be hind a tree and when she turned a corner, i Jumped on her back and saved the day!!



"AAAHHH- wait! I know that voice! NATSU!!!"He yelled!

"WHAT! This is the guy you were talking about!!!??" she exclaimed

"Happy! don't worry I'll get you back even if I have to kill her!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled heroically!

I swore I heard a meep sound coming from the girl who looked as if she were already dead. Well that was easy...

"NATSU!!! No!! this girl helped me after I helped her out! please don't kill her!" He screamed panicked.

"huh?" I asked, confused and got off her.

================================================================================Time skip- after an explanation to Natsu ^-^ ================================================================================

Still Natsu P.O.V

"Oh! I understand now! Heh sorry 'bout that!" I yelled after understanding the situation

"it's fine!" She said with a smile

"come on let's walk back to the guild! all three of us!" I said feeling slightly guilty

"Really!?" she said with stars in her eyes


we all walked back to the guild together and she said her name was Ume Nakayama.

"what kind of magic do you use then?" she asked

"I'm a Fire Dragonslayer!" I said, her face jaw dropped.

"th-that means... YOUR THE SALAMANDER!!" she exclaimed

"yep! what do you use?" I asked

"...uhh... It doesn't matter right now! Hey, what's it like being in fairy tail?" she said, avoiding the question. Strange...

{ON HOLD} The Last Elemental Crystal Wizard- {Fairy Tail fanfic}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora