Chapter One

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Neko is a half cat and half human creator that is loyal, beautiful, sweet, and well sexual. That is not true. Well, for me it’s not. I love being free, I don’t have the need to be owned, in more ways than one. I don’t have the need for sex like so many of my kind. I look at those who are owned and think ‘How are they happy?’ because to me wearing a collar and following orders is for dogs not cats. It is disrespectful and distasteful, cats are not tame animals we walk our own path. Or we should.

I can’t even phantom the thought of being someone’s pet, or being owned. It makes my tail puff up and wrap around my body and my ears go flat on my head in disgust and anger. I will never be a pet for anyone. If people think they can train me they need to think the fuck again. I have mastered a cold hearted and tough mind nothing can break me, I’ve already have done that myself.

I don’t show my disgust to my kind. They don’t deserve it, no the people that buy us are the ones who deserve my disgust. I will never be mad at my kind, because it is in their nature to want that connection, I guess. I try not to show my hatred to the family that gives my family a home. Yes, my parents are owned and we of course live in that home. But hell the parents of the family ‘gave’ my siblings to their children as if they had the right to do that!

My name is Yuuki Caden Pierce, but Yuuki means Snow. Call me either Yuuki or Snow it’s the same thing. I have no idea why my parents gave me a Japanese name but they did. I’m not soft as snow. Nor is my hair snow white. I thing the only thing white about me is my pale skin. I think my parents have been caged so much they forgot common sense.


“Yuuki, dear can you get the newspaper for me,” asked the oh so wonderful woman who owns my father. Her name is Katie Jessie Bell, horrible name right?

I curl my lip, wrinkle my noise, flatten ears and puff out my tail, and tighten my eyes to show my disgust for everything she just said. A, she called me dear-which is a big no-no for me.  B, she asked me to get her a newspaper like I am some fucking dog to order around-which I am not. C, because even though it was a question I couldn’t say no-simply because my parents will punish me if I am ‘cruel’ to their beloved owners.

“Sure,” I said my voice leaking with venom and hate. Katie pales but says nothing my father gives me a hard look but they are used to it by now. I grab the newspaper and my anger flares at the title. I run inside like I was rushing into battle and throw the damn paper on the table and glare at it with a hatred so strong Satan would piss his pants at. Everyone: my mother Jayla and my father James, my sister Lila and brother Gabe, Katie and Markus and their kids Kale, Beth, and Haden; look at me in shock.

“What got your tail in a not, Snowy,” little Beth asked.

“Yeah, Snowy? Was getting the paper that bad,” Haden asked in a teasing tone. I turned my glare on him and hissed loudly at him.

“Dear, what has you so upset,” Katie asked.

“Read the newspaper that you wanted me to get so much,” I said in a flat tone. All of their eye looked at the paper and Katie grabbed the paper and my father read it over her shoulder. They keep their comments to themselves as they pass it around and the others follow their actions. This continues until the paper is in front of me once more.

“That is why you’re so upset, dear,” Katie ask as if it isn’t a completely good reason to be mad about. The others nod in agreement.

“Yes,” I hiss.

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