Orange plums cx

10 1 0

Minahh. Hai.
So like ima do a little throwback..remember when I first spoke to you? I was quiet as hell v.v I barely said a word and just sat there listening to you, V, and Zeke..
IT ALL BEGAN WHEN we discussed orange plums >.> they're actually very real..I shall get them shipped to your house as soon as possible v.v
Okay, so, at the moment I'm ranting to you about my very unusual sudden appetite..and like weird mood swings and other shtuff so now I'm getting verry distracted. And a little hyper..honey bunny keeps telling me to chill out ..Rude child. Hmph.
-fluffs your hair- your hair is very fluffy. Yes, I know I'm too short to reach your hair v.v I'm still gonna fluff it
I'm a cat and I'm slightly scared of bunnies.
OH. The bottle of milk had a bunny on it v.v I didn't get scared. Be proud of me <.<
YOU'RE ADORABLE >.< like. Very adorable. And your little yawns and stretches and ahhhhh cuteness
Okey so I think I'm done for now
'Honestly I should keep a yawn counter to count how many times I yawn now' and 'Yawn number 672' -January 4, 2017; 5:26 p.m (your time)
See you're adorable and tiny and adorable
Alright I'll end this now v.v
I luvs chu lots xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2017 ⏰

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