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Retrouvailles. [French. meaning: rediscovery] The joy of reuniting with someone after a long separation

Levi could not, for the life of him, understand how you ended up in the underground. You were sweet, gentle, and beautiful. It was as though someone had decided to hide the brightest star in the galaxy in the dingiest place they could find. Fortunately for him, that brought you into his life. You deserved better than this, though. You had the potential for more, the possibility to live and love in the light of the sun. You should have been above ground with the clean air, the birds, the stars, not patching him up after fights or making him tea and yet you did so without complaint. A gentle tap interrupts his thoughts; you had set a cup of warm tea in front of him.

"Levi, what are you thinking about?" 

He uncrossed his legs leaning forward from the creaky old couch to take his cup, "Nothing." 

"I don't believe you," you responded, tucking your legs under you as you take a seat next to him, your knees pressing against his thigh. He silently wraps an arm around your shoulders and draws you nearer. Neither of you speaks for awhile. 

"When I get the money, I'm sending you up first."

You huffed, "You can try, but I'm not leaving without you."


Levi swore he had never felt as much panic as when he came back to an empty home. This morning you had informed him that you weren't planning to leave. However, the lack of your presence wasn't what set him off the most; what scared him to the bone was the smashed table and broken door. 

He and Farlan had looked everywhere before he walked past the stairs going up to the city. 

"Looking for that pretty girl of yours?" Levi stopped. "She's long gone. Not coming back. Lobov heard that you were keeping a gem in your home. A merchant told him the location." 

The man's companion put out a cigarette before chiming in, "Ha! Guess one of his sons really can't find a wife or something. Snatching a sewage girl must be some crazy last resort."


Levi was dressed in a white button-up and black pants, casual clothes perfect for being dragged out to town by Hanji. They talked back and forth about things ranging from her titan research, the new recruits, or Levi's aversion to dirt. 

"They're teens, of course they're not going to clean perfectly. It's a given."

"I wasn't like that."

"You're an anomaly to most things." 

Levi clicked his tongue at her comment ready to retort until she yanked him towards a store, "Look how pretty these flowers are!" 

"What the hell would you need flo-"

"Ah, these alp lilies bloomed very well this year!" Levi immediately stiffened at your familiar voice. You looked the same. Small petals had gotten caught in your hair and you were holding a potted plant. 


"Levi." A statement, not a question, accompanied by gleaming bright smile. She laughed a little at his slightly flabbergasted expression. "If you're wondering, I ran away from Lobov on the second night after he caught me." 

Hanji stood by, confused but knew that she shouldn't interrupt. In two strides, Levi closed the space between you two and you laughed as he pressed his forehead against yours and held the sides of your face. An overwhelming amount of emotion causing him to release a shuddering sigh; his shoulders relaxing. A very shocked Hanji decided it was time to step out of the flower shop. 

"I," he sighed before speaking quietly, "I missed you, you brat."  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2017 ⏰

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