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In the screen, it had 3 important hostages. Kaito, Eriko, and Kotobuki.
Which was why Kei was angry, he remembered the promise that Satou had made him.
'First, I'll kill Eriko! Then Kaito...'
He's going to kill them.
Once the video had loaded and started to play, everyone was listening, hoping they won't be hurt, but they knew, at least one was going to die.
The video started.
"Hello, hello! Why how nice of you to join our game!
Now let's get to the point. I want to play at the very bottom of my heart, but you all are getting in my way. As much as I want to ask you, I want more.
I'll play a game with you; as you can see, I have 3 important hostages here.
And you should be worried, this game involves death.
I'll give you a month, to get me weapons to supply myself with; or you can say bye-bye to Eriko-Chan!
First Eriko, and if you still don't bring me my weapons, boom go's Kaito! Haha! Then lastly, if you STILL don't bring me my weapons, I'll cut off Kotobuki's head.
You have 3 months till they all die, and it starts now. You should already know what kind of weapons I want. Ta-Ta!"
The video ended, everyone was shocked. Kei was outraged at this, he wanted none of them dead, he wanted them safe and out of harms way.
"Damn." Kou muttered, "What are we gonna do?" Kou continued.
"Tosaki-San, should we-" Izumi started, "No." Tosaki interrupted Izumi, with a cold glare.
Kei looked at him angrily, "What about Kaito, Eriko, and Kotobuki, dumbass?!" He yelled with rage.
"We wait a month, if he DOES kill one, then we will send him the weapons, we can't risk him getting a hold on anything. He don't want what happened before." Tosaki finished with a sigh.
"You-You!" "Nagai-Kun!" "Kei calm down!"
Izumi and Kou were holding Kei back from Tosaki, while Tosaki annoyingly looked at Kei.
"We have to observe before we head in, no questions. Everyone out. Head to your rooms." Tosaki said, with a wave of his hand, shooing them.
"Kei, come on." Kou helped him to his room.
Izumi looked at them, worried of what outcome this might make. She didn't exactly agree with Tosaki, but did agree with observing before heading in. They couldn't just head into this situation like blind mice, but also couldn't take any chances. She didn't want them to die, honestly, she hasn't even met Kotobuki or Kaito, then she realized.
Eriko was out of the hospital, when she needed help, she couldn't be there long. Izumi rushed back into the room with Tosaki inside, but upon entering, she hadn't seen him inside.
She sighed; and decided to tell him tomorrow. She headed back into her room, hoping for the best luck and sat down in her bed. Once she sat down, she heard a knock on her door, curious she went to open it.

Author's Note:
Hey, I decided to get a part done so I can get started on the important things :> anyways, hope you enjoyed!

Author's Note:Hey, I decided to get a part done so I can get started on the important things :> anyways, hope you enjoyed!

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