Getting Over This

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     Fate was cruel. Travis couldn't believe the situation he was in. He was stuck in a broken relationship he couldn't escape. After his last failed relationship, Travis was less than ready to end another. He couldn't live with being alone. But as much as it pains him to be in this relationship, he was still in love. And love makes people do crazy things.

     How long can he withstand this emotionless relationship? It was obvious that Vanessa didn't care about him. The many times she's returned from a late night rendezvous with a man who wasn't him. Travis knew. And she knew he did too. He knew it all, from the broken promises to the empty "I love you's". She didn't care at all that she was hurting him. Vanessa knew she had him wrapped around her finger. She knew as evident by the promise ring wrapped around her ring finger.

     Vanessa has to be the end of the long chain of failed relationships. Neither Vanessa nor Travis were happy, yet neither could bring themselves to end it. But Travis knew. He knew he had to end it now or the artificial happiness he imagines is the relationship is going to kill him. Travis stared at the phone in his hand, afraid to turn it on. The minute he did, he would text Vanessa, apologizing her the mistakes she's made. "This has to end," he thought, "I can't live like this anymore."

     Taking a deep breath, Travis sealed his future. He unlocked his phone and dialed Vanessa's number. He felt like he forgot to exhale as he waited for her to answer. Vanessa would answer his call unaware of the risk he was about to take. Before she could say anything to him, Travis murmured out "You know what you put me through."

     Vanessa was stunned. She didn't know what to say to him. Did she have a feeling this day would come? Of course she did. Each day she woke up to see the ring, she felt nauseous. She wasn't happy, nor was she in love with Travis. Not in the same way he felt for her. But in the moment, it didn't stop her heart from breaking. Vanessa was aware of her actions and how they had affected Travis. The first time she cheated on him, she cried with him. After the third, she felt adrenaline knowing she would be forgiven by the end of the night. The smirks she would through Travis' way would only confirm his doubts, and in thinking about it, how cruel she had been to him? Why had she continued to hurt him over and over again? Not even she knew the answers. 

     "This doesn't make sense Vanessa. What went wrong?" Travis said to her. Vanessa's sharp intake of breath made it's way through Travis' ears. It made him instantly regret calling knowing he was making her cry. But he had to continue, for his sake. He had to put himself first for once. "I don't know why I'm still in love with you."

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