the tenth chapter

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The large, black mass was crashing through the city, destroying anything in it's way. They had apparated to the top of a building and were staring out over the city. Fear clouded Cora's vision as she rested her head on Queenie's shoulder.

"It's incredibly powerful for an Obscurus," Cora commented softly. "I've never seen one in real life, but I couldn't imagine it would be this..."

"Destructive," Newt finished for her. "I've met two in my life, and they aren't meant to be like this. They only live to ten, you see. It's incredible."

"It's dangerous," Tina corrected. "We need to-"

"We need to save it," Newt cut in again. "Cora," he handed her his case, and dug through his coat to find a leather-bound notebook. "If I don't come back, I trust you'll take care of my creatures. Everything you'll need to know is in that notebook."

"But- but you will come back, right?" She asked in a small voice. "Why do you have to go after it?"

"I won't let them kill it," he restated. "It's a child, nothing more than a child who doesn't know what they're capable of."

They gazed at each other for a moment, each having many things to say to the other, then Newt snapped out of his daze and leapt off of the roof to disapparate away.

"I- I have to do something," Tina gasped, then followed suit and disappeared into thin air. Queenie tried to do as her sister had, but Jacob grabbed her hand.

"I can't take you," Queenie cried, distraught at the situation. "Please let go of me, Jacob."

"Jacob, it's far too dangerous for you," Cora added on.

"But..." he trailed off, then looked to Queenie, "You're the one that said I was one of you guys, right?"

"It's too dangerous," Queenie said again. Her expression changed from fear to emotional, and Cora assumed she was reading his mind. "Alright, come on."

They left the rooftop, climbing down the fire escape as hastily as they could. There were flashes of light from every corner, the sounds of gunshots as muggle police tried to fight the unknown in the only way they knew.

There was a distant scream of "Newt!" and Cora's eyes widened. Queenie took the case from her and nodded.

"Go get 'em, girl," Queenie smiled proudly. Cora nodded and dashed off, her wand gripped tightly in her fist as she rounded the corner into Times Square and saw Tina and Newt crouched behind an overturned car.

"It's Credence, Cora!" Tina shouted when she noticed the woman approaching. "Credence is the Obscurial!"

"How in the name of Merlin- he can't be!" Cora exclaimed, skidding to a halt to crouch beside the pair. "He must be incredibly powerful to have survived this long."

"I'll distract Graves," Tina said suddenly. "You two save Credence- do anything you can to save Credence."

She ran out from their makeshift barricade and fired a curse at him; Graves turned and blocked it just in time. They began to duel. Blasts of light and colour flew between them. Graves blocked every spell Tina threw at him and Tina held her own by firing spells so quickly that her wand was a blur.

Newt offered Cora his hand. "Come on."

She took it and they disappeared, then reappeared on a rooftop overlooking the scene.

"Credence!" Cora called to the dark mass that was circling the square. "Credence, we can help you!"

Aurors were beginning to gather around the area and attacked the Obscurus. Cora gasped and squeezed Newt's hand to comfort herself, before apparating them to a rooftop closer to the mass.

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