Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

 Luna's POV

"He knows who I am, Estefania. He will not give up his questioning until I reveal to him the real reason why I am here and as your lady in waiting. You know I cannot disclose my secret to him, or anyone for that matter. It would be too dangerous for all the parties involved. I had no other choice" my voice was pleading for understanding, but the impassive expression on my friend's face told me I was being unsuccessful in my attempt.

"Luna, I can acknowledge that your plan was sort of brilliant. You got the prince to disapprove of his knight's incessant search for you and even received his word on him actually taking action to stop Niall's advances on you. But you lied to Zayn. You intentionally provided the prince with false information about Niall's real reasons for trying to talk to you. He will not be pleased if he ever finds out the truth". She was concerned and I understood that she was in a very difficult position, her being the royal ward and Zayn practically being like an older sibling to her, but I had found a way to stall for time until I decided what to tell Niall. I would not be retracting myself for the sake of not damaging the nonexistent trust between the prince and I. 

"I understand your concern, but what's done is done. I will deal with the consequences if it comes to that. Now, are you ready for the tournament? It should be starting shortly, we must be making our way to the training grounds". 

With one last look at the pretty rose dress she was wearing through the reflection of her mirror, Lady Estefania nodded to me her agreement and we both walked out of her chambers, me after her; as was the expected etiquette. 

When we were out of the castle, it felt as we had entered an entirely different land. The Royal courtyard was filled with life. There was people everywhere, talking excitedly and hurrying to where the tournament was taking place. 

I was looking everywhere at once, following every sound that my ears caught. To my left was the click-clack sound of horse hooves grinding against cobblestone; the animals carrying in their backs travelers and equipment for the contest. To my right, the townspeople chattered and exchanged coins for colored banners that represented their favorite tournament participants from all across the country. 

I lost my self in all of the enthusiasm. Thankfully, Estefania had anticipated this, and promptly grabbed for my arm and steered me in the right direction. I assumed it was easy to get distracted in the celebration.

"I apologize" I quickly said in an hushed tone, once the busy courtyard was left behind.

She smiled kindly at me, "It happened to me during my first tournament. You have nothing to apologize for". 

Her words eased my embarrassment, but I still followed her quietly to wherever she was leading me. When we arrived at where the tournament was taking place, my mouth hung open in shock. The training grounds, which Estefania and I had been visiting every day at dusk to train with prince Zayn and Sir Harry, looked nothing like I remembered it. What used to be open field was now occupied by armored men with swords and spectators sitting in the stands waiting for the event to commence. 

The air smelled of oils, spices and sweat. You could almost touch the electricity in the atmosphere. 

I followed Estefania to the royal section of the sittings. It was not hard to spot, for there was a large tent for those with highest position. Whilst the common people sat under the scorching sun, the noblemen were provided shade and refreshments. It was the way the King wanted it. He always ensured that his subjects never forgot who had power over them. It disgusted me. 

By the time Lady Estefania found her seat besides Zayn, who nodded curtly at me before continuing a conversation with his father, I had managed to stop gritting my teeth together and forced a polite smile on my face. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2014 ⏰

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