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Feelings? Emotions? Those were thrown away for a long time now. Even my friends and family lost hope for me, it was alright. I didn't even need them anyways. By the way, I forgot to introduce myself. It's Matthew Stephenson. But "they" call me Matt. The day I lost those two felt like it was the end of the world, like I had no reason to live. But I got used to it. I slid down the wall, and tried to cry. But it didn't work. I tried to be angry, same thing. I tried to do everything, but it was no use. Not even a drop of tear would fall down my cheek. So I think, over and over until I got tired. I still can't remember why those two things were separated from my soul. My body numbing, my eyes trying to resist the urge to sleep. But little did I know, I was already sleeping, even though I didn't feel like it.

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