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I tried not to stare while I stood against the tree in the school yard. Rose was with her friends around in a circle probably talking about which guy was the hottest and which guy was dating who. She was popular I guess, she had all these friends and every guy wanted her. It seemed to me she didn't notice me but I wouldn't know, I'm mostly by myself. I have no friends, unless you consider my dogs friends. I was all by myself and I liked it that way.

The bell rung signaling it was time to head back inside. I kept my eyes off her as long as I could but then I felt someone staring at her. It was her, she was staring at me. She waved and continued on with her friends. I was stunned, she waved at me. I had a smile on my face and it never left. I walked back into the school with my head held high and a smile on my face. Yes it was a small gesture but that was the most communication I've had with her. I enjoyed it. It warmed me up, it made me feel special.

Soooo I've decided to write another book. Yeah that's right, another book. Y'all excited???

I'll let y'all figure out if the main character is a boy or a girl it's pretty easy

xoxo urban

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