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Hi I'm Grace Goodwill. I know funny right. I'm in S5 (16 years old). I'm a female with long Ginger hair and Emerald green eyes. I like my phone, my electronics and my makeup. I'm basically a modern day 16 year old girl with a few issues, like I suffer from severe anxiety and panic attacks. I also have claustrophobia (fear of small enclosed spaces), arachnophobia (fear of spiders), acrophobia (fear of heights), gephyrophobia (fear of bridges) and pupaphobia (fear of puppets. I was a pretty messed up 16 year old right.
I was walking to school when I bumped into Hunter, the school bad boy. He helped me up which was unusual. "Why did you do that" I said puzzled. "Do what" he asked. "You know... help me up" I said. "What do you mean I'm a gentleman" he said jokingly as we walked to school together. "Pfffft whatever" I said playing along. We both laughed. "I..." He started as the bell went. "What was it" I said. "Doesn't matter" he said and walked away. I stared puzzled after him. I snapped out of my trance as my best friend Trinity Timfort came over "Hi T" I said."Hi G" she said excitedly. I knew immediately she was bursting to tell me something. "Spit it out T" I said amused. "You know Prom right" she said. "Yes" I said excited as well. "I'm going with Jay Doveson" she squealed. "Oh my God congratulations" I squealed. "Ladies better get to class" said Mr Davi. "Yes sir" we said in unison and hurried to chemistry. "Right class new term new lab partners" said Miss Belle. Connor Stuart put his hand up and the teacher looked at him. "Miss can we choose our own lab partners" he said. "I'm going to pick two names out of a hat and those two are partners"she said. The class groaned. "Patty and Tom, Sadie and Connor, Trinity and Jay, Lulu and Callum, Faith and Noah and finally Grace and Hunter" she said. It was a very small chemistry class. "So the assignment this term is Egg babies" she announced. Just then the end of lesson bell rang and she said "Next lesson we start until then no howework" she said. I liked Miss Belle she was nice. It was lunch time now and me and Trinity went to our usual table with Faith and Piper. "So Faith like your lab partner" I said. "Noah's not bad" she said. "What about you Piper is your physics parter ok" Trinity said to Piper. "Well I've got Charlie" she said her face glowing. She goes out with Charlie. "Omg" Me, Trinity and Faith squealed.
Hey I hope you enjoyed this chapter and how are you guys liking the book. It's an entirely original story line or at least I've never read a book with this story. Have a good Day/Night/Morning/Afternoon/Evening. Love you guys.
- Madi xox

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