Chapter 1

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Freshmen year the year where you could be popular or be the unpopular nerd. I was the unpopular nerd. Until a certain very and I mean very popular jock was forced to talk to me. Well lets start at the very beginning.Hello, my name is Keisha Johnson. I just started my first year of high school.

"Have a good day honey" my mom says to me as I get out of the car. I sighed and started walking to the door. I was wearing a black ripped skinny jeans matching with black and red jordan's and a plaid shirt. Granted I'm not used to matching but today I actually had to. I call it Judgment day. every freshmen goes through my sister told me. I grabbed the door and walked in. Blue bird high school. It was a huge school with four floors. A floor for each. I walked to a table that said freshmen.

"HI, I'm Keisha Johnson" I said.

"Yeah yeah what math did you take in eighth grade?" The girls said rolling her eyes at me.

"Geometry" she looked through a stack of papers then handed me my schedule. My first class was math. I went to the math wing and looked for my class number. After about twenty minutes of looking I went to the main office.

"Hello I can't seem to find my classes" I told the lady at the desk.

"What is your first class you have?"

"Trigonometry 205"

"You a freshmen?" she said confused.

"Yes ma'am"

"What was the math you took last year?" 


"Well you will be taking class upstairs. I walked upstairs and found my classroom easily. I stood outside the door a breathed I was already late so what was the worst that could happen. I knocked on the door and a student answered. 

"Can I help you?" he asked.

"umm yeah I'm a freshman and I will be going to this class"

"Welcome to Trig freshman" the boy says opening the door all the way.

"Welcome to my class,Ms...?" the teacher pauses to get my name.

"Keisha Johnson" I said.

"Welcome Ms. Johnson please sit where you would like" I walked to the back and sat down near my sister.

"Hey my name is Luke How are you?" say the boy to my right.

"Luke leave her alone" Kiya said to the boy.

Kira she is a fifteen year old sophomore who is now in Trigonometry I guess. She is lights light skin like me with highlights in her hair.She was usually the popular one out of everyone in my family.

"Keisha and I'm good thank you" I told him. I took out my notebook when my sister grabbed it and threw it in the trash. "What are you doing?" I whispered- yelled. 

"Shhh maybe nobody saw that. Are you trying  to be categories yourself into something you don't want to be?"

"I don't care get my notebook!" 

"Fine" she walked to the trash can and crew my notebook at me. " You better try to be unnoticed or your not my sister at school" I rolled my eyes and under my table started taking notes. At the end of the class I went downstairs to my next seven classes. It was the end of my first day of high school. I was walking home when someone walked up to me.

"Hi my name is Ari! This is my best friend Vicky and my boyfriend Darius" a red head told me.

"Hi my name is Keisha" I told her.

"Where you headed?" Vicky asked.

"Obviously home, Vicky" Darius says. 

"My bad we saw you in our Trig class and noticed that you are a freshmen" Vicky says.

They all started to joke around with each other. I smiled at them and then started focusing on Darius. The way he smiled made my heart flutter. I couldn't stand it.

"My mom's expecting me so I'm going to head out" I said.

"Oh sorry let's exchange numbers" Ari says. We quickly exchanged numbers. As I started walking away when Darius caught up to me.

"Hey" he says scorching his neck a little.

"Hi" I said blushing.

"So I wanted to know if you wanted to--" he stopped talk g then walked away quickly. I stood there with my mouth hanging open. I shook my head and walked home. I unlocked my door and heard the shouts of my parents flood my ears. I sighed and put my headphones on. I walked to my sister and I's room. When I opened the door my sister and her boyfriend were on my bed making out. I rolled my eyes and walked past them and sat on my sister's bed. I pulled my notebook out and started doodling on the front cover. My sister tapped my shoulder. I looked  qt her and got off of her bed and went to mine. I took the headphones off and didn't hear my parents arguing anymore.

"What were the arguing about this time?" I asked.

"Why dad didn't clean the man cave" my sister told me I rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen. Our house was a two story house with a basement (my dad's man cave), my sister and I's room was on the second floor. Are room was two different colors on both sides with a black curtain for privacy. I went in to our fridge and grabbed a root beer and ice cream to make a root beer float. I went back to my room and turned my tv on. Spongebob was playing. My phone went off and saw it was Darius.

D for Darius K for Keisha




K-watching tv

D- cool what show

K- spongebob and I like to get back to it bye

I turned my phone off and finished eating my root beer float. I finished watching spongebob and took my bowl downstairs. I walked to the kitchen and my sister was washing dishes. I put the bowl in the sink and walked away. 

"Girls come here" my mom yelled. My sister turned the water off and we walked in to the living room.

"We have been keeping secrets from you" my dad says.

"We hope you don't get mad" my mom says. smiling at us. I started searching her face to see what it could be. I looked at her  hands and they were holding her stomach. I gasped and started screaming. 

"What! What!" my sister sat up looking around confused.

"Your pregnant!" I screamed louder.

"My my how did you figure that out?" my dad asks.

"Her hands I was searching her face when I noticed her hands and I soon figured it out" I told them. A minute went by then it started to settle in and my sister screamed and started jumping around.

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