Dinner Date

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        Lloyd's hair feel perfectly onto his slightly hidden face. He wore a button up forest green shirt and black jeans. He was never one to stray too far away from the norm. Kai sat at the other end of the table dazzling at how he looked. If only he could open his mouth and say something, but words never came easily, especially when he was so stunned like now.

Lloyd signaled over a waiter and softly smiled at Kai, "I'm ready to order!", he said giddily.

"Oh um", Kai ran his thumb down the side of the leather bound menu and smiled nervously at the perky waiter, "I'll just take a salad, please and thank you, and if you have any sauce that'd be great!".

The waiter jotted down Kai's order and looked at Lloyd, signaling that it was his turn.

"Oh goodness! Uh, I guess the same as my man here!", he said jokingly and held Kai's hand above the black, hole-filled table.

Kai's hands were sweating profusely, which made him even more nervous when Lloyd had subtly grabbed it. Nothing different was happening at this dinner date, it was the same as every other one they've went on. Kai couldn't figure why he was so overly nervous. He's usually the cool, slick kind of guy but now he felt beaten down and oddly cold.

"Hey", Lloyd looked at Kai in his dark eyes and laughed, "why are you so nervous? what's going on?".

"Uh", Kai had to think, and quick, "just um it's really hot out here. maybe we should move inside?", the idea of moving inside calmed Kai for some even odder reason.

Lloyd nodded harshly, and grabbed Kai to walk inside and relocate the entire dinner date. They had gotten permission from the waiter and took their desired seats.

A rush of serene calmness fell over Kai and he was back into his giddy nature. Throwing jokes down on the table and making a total awkward situation for Lloyd as he loudly made remarks about them being together. To Lloyd's surprise it seemed as if Kai didn't think they were serious. They were just in a 'fake' relationship.

"It's just like, are we actually dating? Tsk, no!", the abundance of statements that Kai threw down were just now getting to Lloyd as he saw that Kai was serious.

"So, you didn't want to sit outside because you didn't want anyone to think that this was an actual relationship?", Lloyd stood up, "have fun paying the bill!", he pouted and ran off.

"And scene!", Jay threw down a pad of paper and clapped for the two boys, "that was amazing! It even brought a tear to my eyes!", the clapping boy shut off the phone camera and pissed off the already angry, Kai.

He stomped over to Jay and whispered, "not everything's just a joke", and walked away. Kai realized that he had messed up and felt guilty about it. The dinner they were at was located inside of a huge mall and Kai just knew where Lloyd would be, Superette. It was his favorite store in the entire shopping center. He ran up the stairs and straight around the corner to the brightly lit store with clothes hanging everywhere.

"Come here often?", Kai leaned against a display and smiled at the less angry boy.

Lloyd turned around and fell into a hug, "oh god, you lil!", he caused Kai to laugh as he punched him in the abdomen and hugged him afterwards.

Ohhhh my god this sucked! Anyway, it's not the regular admin! I'm a friend of Zero's! I also have a wattpad and it's @fun-dun! Zero is really busy with moving out of her family flat and into her own flat with her gf! I'm so happy for we and hope for the best!

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