Chapter 1 : I want to have kids

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remember this is bad era and this story is based off this 1994 movie Junior and this is my version of this and sorry if this chapter is short I will make the next chapter longer I promise but anyways  I hope you enjoy it


Michael's POV

it was a lovely day with me and Tatiana . we have been dating in years now and Tia which I called her insist me if we might take our relationship to another level.

having kids is the example I know mother always says 'wait til you married and then have kids of your own.' but Tatiana she was excited and so am I but I know we have to wait but I love children and I also love to be a father, but there was just one problem though,Tatiana had suffered from endometriosis it's kinda like a condition that you can't have kids. at all.

we was at the park enjoying our picnic until Tatiana good friend Apollonia was here along with Prince but don't worry me and prince are friends as well . ''Hey guys enjoying yourselves I see.'' Apollonia said ''oh we we're just fine thanks for coming .'' Tatiana said. ''hey Prince nice to see you man .'' I said as I bear hugged him tightly.

'' can't breathe.'' he said.

''oh sorry .'' I apologized.

''that's fine nice to see you too .''

''so what brings you two here this wonderful morning ?'' Tatiana asked

''well , '' said Apollonia ''for starters I have some excited news to tell you two Prince you want to say it together.'' ''sure.'' Prince said

''what is it ?'' I said Prince and Apollonia looked at each other and then looked at me and Tatiana and said .'' we're having a baby .''  our eyes got wide ''OMG ARE YOU SERIOUS CONGRATS YOU TWO.'' Tia shouted happily

''wow that's great news you guys can I be the godfather ?'' I asked

'' sure just as long as you don't spoiled the kid once it's born .'' Prince said

''I can't help it I love children .''

''if you love children so much why don't you and Tia just have one after all you always waned to be  father.''

'' Yeah Prince there's just one Problem .''

''what's that .''

''Tia has endometriosis ''

''what the hell is that ''

''  a condition of a woman that can't have kids I think .''

''oh well there's always next time Mike .''

''yeah .''

''anyways mike would and tia come with us to this science convention at the lab tomorrow ?''

''sure that would be nice .''

''see you then ''

see you then.''

they got up and leave ''nice talking with you two and congrats .'' Tia said

''no problem girl.'' Apollonia said.

''speaking of conventions ,'' Tatiana said. '' you think they have something to get women have babies mikey?''

'' I don't know for sure but  we'll see when we get there tomorrow .'' I said we got up picked up our baskets and lunch and headed home when we arrived at the house I noticed that Tatiana looked kinda sad.

'' babe what's wrong ?'' I asked ''it nothing it's just that I've never asked for this I really wanted kids I really do but I never asked to have this condition .'' she said as she started to cry.'' I know you love to have kids but me the doctors said I can't no matter how many times we have sex it didn't work !''

I blushed a little when she said that I sigh and gently  cupped my hands on her face wiping the tears from her eyes .''look I wanted to have kids too but it takes a little patience babe one day when might get blessed with a child we just have to wait and see like I said we might get blessed .''

she smiled at me and kissed me. ''thank you mike and yeah one day.''

well that's chapter 1 chapter 2 will be coming soon

bye guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2017 ⏰

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