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The 2 months passed by surprisingly quick. Right now I'm in bed with Ashton because I just woke up. I look at his alarm clock and it says the time is 7:47. We are all homeschooled, but since I'm sick I don't have to do it. They start their classes as 9. Oh my gosh! I just remembered, Christine is telling the boys today! I'm not ready for this. For the past 2 months we've been doing everything we could do. We had a lot of fun, and it really took my mind off of having cancer. I've been wearing hats lately because my hair has been falling out and it's really thin right now. With the hats on, it isn't very noticeable. After about 10 minutes of laying down thinking to myself Ashton wakes up.
"Good morning Ashton." I tell him while getting up.
"Good morning Jessica." He says also getting up.
I'm pretty sure as soon as all of us get downstairs for breakfasts, Christine will tell them.
We run downstairs and see everyone eating cereal. Christine gives me a look that says 'I'm telling them'.
I nervously walk into the kitchen holding Ashton's hand. Ashton sits at the table and I let go of his hand and sit by Brandon and whisper, "She's telling." He nods his head, knowing what I'm talking about.

"Ok everyone." She starts, "Jessica and I have something to tell you." I stand up and walk over to her side. She puts an arm Around my shoulders.
"This isn't easy to say." I say tying not to cry.
"No it isn't. When we went to the hospital to see what was wrong with Jessica, they told us she had cancer." Christine says letting a few tears slip.
"I've known since the next day." Brandon says getting up and hugging me.
"Why wouldn't you tell us?" Ashton yells crying.
"I told her not to tell! I didn't want you guys to treat me differently." I say looking at the ground.
"Will she live?" Ashton asks.
"I really hope so." Christine says.
I look up and notice Hunter is gone. I look around and hear the door to his room slam shut. I run upstairs and try to open the door but it's locked.
"Hunter let me in." I cry.
"Why should I?" He asks angrily, but I can tell he is crying.
"Hunter, please!" I cry even louder.
The door opens and I hug him tight.
"Why would you tell Brandon, but not me?" He cries hugging me back.
"Brandon knew something was up. The day before Brandon and I were arguing he found out." I tell him.
"Jessica I can't lose you!" He says hugging me tighter.
"I already feel terrible about it! Please done make me feel worse!" I yell.
"Why would you feel bad about it? It isn't your fault!" He yells back.
I run out of the room and slam the door shut. I run outside to the front yard and look around. This isn't good for me to do, but I'm going for a run. I start running a few blocks, then realize I have to turn back. I start walking back and when I get to the house I see Ashton sitting in a tree on a really thick branch. I climb up to where he is and sit by him.
"You promised everything would be okay." He mumbles.
"I'm sorry Ashton. I'm trying my best to keep that promise."

The Secret |Hunter R.| ✅ Where stories live. Discover now