"It feels like a dream honestly."

It's hard to extend your answers when you have a large spotlight in your face, a bunch of cameras not too far behind, your hair (which was straightened, just the way you hate it) getting in your face every five seconds, and the most uncomfortable outfit known to mankind (but probably not to your stylist, since she's the one who made you wear the demon).

" Um...Would you care to elaborate on that?" the interviewer asks you, obviously as a euphemism for "Can you please make this story the slightest bit more interesting so I can get a little more come payday?"

All Aubrey knows that she's allowed to do is try not to glare, or in this case throw a brick, and make their wish her command.

" All I remember is auditioning and the person behind the table saying, "you pass". The next thing I know, I'm training with a group, in a survival show, and participating in this really awkward interview."

Realizing what she had said after seeing the shocked look on the interviewers face, Aubrey forces out a laugh to make it look like she was kidding, even though she couldn't possibly be any more serious.

" AND CUT!" the cameraman yells, and the lights shut off.

Even though Aubrey hated the interview she was in mere seconds ago, everything she said was true. She can't quite remember what happened after that fateful audition, but all she knows is that she's here now, so she finds no need to try and remember.

Aubrey, along with three other trainees, has been mashed together to form a team that will most likely be training together for the next few years. With a little bit of hesitation but overpowering assurance, Mr. Yang Hyun Suk decided to make Aubrey leader of the group, even though she was and probably will always be the youngest. YG's made it pretty clear that he's not adding any twelve-year-olds to the group, so her spot as maknae has been made pretty secure.

She grabs the duffel bag laying right beside the chair she sat it before running to the bathroom. Within minutes, she was fully underdressed and ready to practice.


Because the interviewer was so fucking slow, Aubrey was late for practice. She knows for a fact she could've made it on time if the interviewer would've stopped asking her to "elaborate" mainly because the set of the interview was just two floors down from her practice room.

One thing that has changed about Aubrey since becoming a trainee would definitely have to be her level of responsibility. Being the leader and maknae was probably the best and worst thing Mr. Yang ever bestowed upon her. Yes, it put a lot of stress on her young mind, but it also taught her quite a bit about being more independent, the one thing that her endless amount of money couldn't buy her.

Unfortunately for the girls that were training with her, another thing it taught her was how to be a perfectionist. This was probably the most notable change of Aubrey's character.

" Shit! It's already 3 minutes passed!"

Aubrey sprinted at what to her felt like 3 miles per hour but what looked like 1,000 to others. She nearly cried with joy as she entered her group's assigned practice room, but her smile faded almost instantly once she got a good look at the empty room in front of her.

Reminding herself that murder is illegal, Aubrey sighed before whipping out her phone, planning on dialing the number of one of the teammates to figure out what the fuck was going on. Soon she decided on calling Dami, the one member who she knew she was too scared to try and yell at.

Dami so far is the oldest in the team, with the most love for different hair colors and the least tolerance for bullshit. She's from Seoul, so she's a city girl with just as much if not more fashion sense (a/n: I think we all see where I'm going with this). But relative to what was said before, she does not tolerate anything from anybody, whether it be her friends, family, or random strangers. Many times her temper has gotten the best of her and she has gotten violent, which is the main reason why she lost her chance to become leader of the team even though she could sing, dance, and act well.

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