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Shane's POV

Me and the boys have had fun these past couple days. I have been noticing that I have been closer to one in particular, than any other. That person is Ryland. I have felt more connected with him. I also kind of think I may have a itty bitty crush on him...

Ryland's POV

I have been talking to Trevor, me and him are like brothers now. We tell eachother our secrets then talk about them, but we make sure we are in a bedroom so another incident doesn't happen. We have also become closer because we both like one of the other guys and we talk to each other about it. "Ryland..." Trevor says smiling. "Yes Trevor?" I say confused. "I think Shane likes you," he says continuing to smile. "Wait really?!?!?" I ask. "Ya, I'll ask him," he says standing up. "O... Ok" I smile.

Trevor's POV

I get up and find Shane and Ricky hanging out in our room. "Hey," I say smiling as I see Ricky. "Hey" they both say. I look away from Ricky remembering what I came to do. "Hey Shane can we talk?" I ask. "Sure" he says and we go into the bathroom. "If I ask you something will you honestly answer?" I ask. "Um I trust you, so I guess," he says. "Ok well I'm gonna ask you something and you have to be 100% honest with me, ok?" I say. "Ok" he answers. "Do you like Ryland, like in a more than friends way?" I ask. "Um... Y.. Yes" he wispers. "Oh my god!!!!!" I wisper scream. "Shut the f*ck up" he says playfully hitting me. "Now that I told you, you have to like someone," he says. I bite my lip and look down "he isn't anyone in this house so..." I say smiling at the thought of him. "Yes it is" he says smirking. "Fine..." I slightly whisper. "It's Ricky isn't it?" He keeps smirking. I smile. He wisper screams. "Ok I won't tell if you won't" I say. "Deal" he replies. I walk out and go to Ryland and Shane's room. I walk in and see Ryland. I can't stop smiling "he likes you!!!" I squeal. "Bring him in..." He says. I yell for Shane. He walks in "yes." I leave the room and listen outside the door. "So... I kinda... L... Like you." I hear ryland say. "I like you too," I hear Shane whisper back

Shane's POV

Oh my god... Ryland just said he likes me. I told him I like him back. "So... Are we a thing?" I ask "do you want to be?" He replies. "Yes" he smiles. All of the sudden I hear Trevor scream "SHYLAND IS REAL!!!!!!!!" Then a little later "AHHHHHHHH" from Ricky. Me and ryland laugh. The door opens and we all hug. "We should text the people to take out Trevor screaming shyland is real" I laugh. "Maybe" Trevor says. We text the company and then go downstairs and eat.


Hey guys, #SHYLAND IS REAL!!!!!! (I am aware it already was, but in the story ITS REAL) Anyway I'm gonna try and upadate every weekend because school 😌🔫. Hope you enjoyed see you next time.


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