Story of autumnum

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Ruby: "Uncle qrow?"
Qrow: "yes ruby?"
Ruby: "so that's how humanity came to be but who exactly were the gods of darkness and light and where did they come from?"
Qrow: " well young one, do you remember the story of the four maidens,"
Ruby: " yes, a long time ago an old hermit was visited by four sister who were kind to him, each in a special way,"
Qrow: "well that is just where our story begins with a woman named autumnum, the first fall maiden to be exact, the way she helped the old hermit was encouraging him to be thankful for what he has. Of course autumnum was always very grateful for what she had, but she had always wanted a family. All of the creatures who inhabited earth were either, gods, hermits or wildlife. After searching long and wide she fell in love with the god of time, named tempus. A most graceful and handsome man who could make you recall your memories with the snap of his fingers. Autumnum and tempus had a child together his name was Lux god of light."
Ruby: "what about darkness?"
Qrow: "I was getting there,"
Qrow: "As the god of time you could imagine that tempus was always quite busy, he wanted to be there for autumnum and lux but he never had time, fearing being disgraced by his family he left and ran off. When he ran off Lux was about three and already amazingly powerful, the son of the fall maiden and the god of time gave him an immense amount of power, more than anyone could ever imagine."
Qrow: "The day after tempus left autumnum was greeted by a mysterious man in all black clothing and a scar over his left eye, he introduced himself as mortem, the god of death. He said that he had always been watching autumnum from afar and had fallen for her, they got together and had a child who was 4 years younger than Lux his name was, tenebris, the god of darkness.

Qrow: "mortem watched tenebris grow to the age of 1 and realized his child could only destroy, not wanting his reputation to be ruined, he ran off.

Qrow: " as the brothers grew older they blamed each other for their fathers leaving, to calm his nerves Lux would create life such as plants and woodland animals, and in his jealousy and anger, tenebris would destroy everything he had made. Of corse this would always upset their mother all she ever wanted was a loving family who got along, but she was still thankful she had them... but one day she lost it. She told the boys that if they could not do something together they would have to move out on their own. They agreed, and combined their powers creating and destroying and made a being that cold do both, humans.

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