Chapter 9

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I honestly didn't want to go to the big hall for dinner, but Mary assured me that they would all be there and wouldn't leave my side. I was just so angry with my uncle. . . no sorry, he was my father. I was angry that both he and my mother waited so long to tell me that they were my parents, and I was angry that they even told me at all. Basically I was just angry. I knew they did it for a good reason, but I loved my life and to find out it was all a lie was infuriating. Everyone around me was there because my father paid them to be. Was anyone around because they wanted to be? Mary told me to stop feeling sorry for myself and to think clearly, that everyone around me genuinely loved me. Although I knew she was right, I was still a little angry. I couldn't help it. It was irrational anger, but I couldn't seem to let it go. What I hated most was that Maleficent was right, there were signs all around me. I just chose to not pay attention.

I spent the better part of two days sulking in my room and taking walks around the castle grounds and practiced in the woods. Naomi brought me food straight from the kitchens for every meal. Flora, Fiona, and Mary came to see how I was doing and tried to coax me out. Well, Fiona tried to coax me out while Flora and Mary said I was being ungrateful and foolish. Which, I suppose, I was being foolish and ungrateful.

Finally, after my third day of sulking I decided it was high time I stopped. Well, if I'm being honest Naomi and Phillip helped me decide that it was high time to stop sulking. I went out in search of one of my godmothers to ask if they knew where my father was going to be. I needed to apologize.

"Flora," I shouted after her when she rounded the corner.

"Well, look who's stopped sulking. Welcome to the outside world."

"I deserved that. I've decided to stop being foolish. I know I wasn't being fair to them."

"That's my girl. Your father is meeting with his advisors today your mother should be with him. I'll show you the way." She led me down two other hallways and stopped in front of a pair of double doors.

"Just knock, they'll let you in."

"I'm not so sure I want to go in." I began to back up.

"I love you Aurora, but you've got the flare of the dramatic. Just knock on the door and talk to your parents. They've been wanting to tell you for the longest time, and they've been wanting to talk to you since your ride."

"But what about you, Finoa, and Mary? I feel like if I accept them as my parents you won't be anymore."

"You will always be our little girl. You're just beginning a new chapter in your life that includes your parents. Now go in, or I'll make you read Dante again."

"Thank you." I smiled and kissed her.

I didn't actually expect them to open the door. I especially didn't expect them to let me in. I was even further surprised when I found that Phillip, accompanied by his father, and Elanore were present as well. They seemed to be amidst an argument when I arrived.

"Aurora" my father gasped. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to speak with you and mother, but I can return at a more appropriate time." I turned to leave.

"No, please stay, we would love to speak with you." There was a tinge of desperation in his voice.

"Yes do stay, what we are discussing pertains to you." Phillips father spoke up. I nodded and sat next to Elanore and my mother who were seated away from the table that the men were circled around. "The agreement was for my son to wed your eldest daughter. Now from my understanding Elanore is not even your daughter."

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