The Story of Malum Creek • Amber Christina Douglas

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'The itsby bisty spider was said to be in doubt...'

The sweet melody and accompanying lyrics rang throughout the grounds of Malum Creek, ridding of the familiar silence that usually dominated the manor's confines. However, its delicate traces were quickly outweighed by the sound of boots beating against wood.

'Then came the prey, and drove the spider out...'

Kalibus Zachiari marched down the unlit corridor, his features hardening in an unpleasant scowl. The feelings of annoyance surged through his entire being, making his whole body appear stiff. Tense, almost. Still, he continued along his way, pushing through the shadows which hovered, tainting the very air around him.

'Out came the fangs, which sucked up all the—'


He reached the balcony overlooking the downstairs lobby and brought his hands down against the wooden railings, creating a dull echo that was soon snatched up by the darkness, but not before catching the attention of the source itself.

A large spider stood below, although its bulging stomach and prolonged appendages were barely visible beneath the sea of shadows. It stopped what it was doing and inclined its head up, waving one of its many legs in greeting.

Still, the gesture failed to supress Kalibus' animosity, especially when he noticed the tip of the biwa sticking out from underneath one of the the creature's legs. 'What have I told you about singing in the middle of the day?' The spider's multiple eyes blinked and its great pincers clicked in a response of some kind. 'Don't be sarcastic,' Kalibus snapped. 'You know perfectly well that I don't approve of singing! Yes, you do have a lovely voice, but that's beside the point. Anyway, what was so important that you had to start singing?'

Another click.

'What do you mean "a visitor?"'

A pause. Then the Jorōgumo moved back, seeking refuge from the shade in the far corner of the lobby. The creature's hasty retreat caused Kalibus' eyes to narrow, but his features softened somewhat when he looked down and saw the dismembered, half-devoured remains of a human scattered below.

A visitor...

A sense of confusion emerged, pushing aside the feelings of anger that had previously consumed him. Kalibus stepped away from the edge of the balcony and descended the wide staircase, ignoring the various steps which groaned under the strain of his weight. The Jorōgumo shrunk into the corner, observing its master from afar.

Kalibus made his way over to the remains and knelt down, examining the ripped out flesh, hanging guts and puddles of freshly spilled blood. The confusion was short-lived, however, replaced by another rush of anger that arose when the realisation of what had happened finally sunk in. 'Malakai! he called, eyes wandering about the dim, spacious open. 'Malakai!'

'Might I ask what you're crying about, Master Zachiari?' a clear-cut voice inquired from above.

Kalibus looked up in time to see the head of his loyal manservant pop up from behind the balcony railings. 'I missed it, Malakai,' he said, his voice shaking as he fought to maintain his composure. 'I missed the holidays, the killings, the traditions,... the New Years Eve tradition! I actually missed it!'

Malakai's brows knitted together. 'What are you talking about? It's only the twenty-seventh of December.'

'W-what...? But we had a visitor! We never get visitors. Only when New Years Eve falls do the human scum dare come knocking!''

'That is odd,' Malakai confessed. He leaned over the balcony, causing his body to topple forward. Kalibus stood up and backed away in time to avoid the other man's physique as it came plummeting down from above, slamming into the floor with a sickening thud. However, seconds passed before Malakai stood up and casually brushed himself down. 'It's a well-known fact that Malum Creek is desolate for three-hundred and sixty four days—'

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