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Mr. Jefferson, my math teacher, kept talking and talking. The only thing I heard was something like 'Bla, bla, bla, triangles, circles.'
I was too focused on the clock that hung above the whiteboard that was covered in loads of shapes.
I heard my name coming from somewhere, I was in some sort of trans so I closed my eyes and re-opened them after 3 seconds.

Was it my math teacher asking me a question? Was it that hot girl called Alyssa? Was it the make-up whore called Brooklynn? I could not figure out.
The school bell rang. This was the end for this year.
Goodbye 11th grade and hello 12th grade... Atleast, after summer break.
I put my pencil case and my books in my dark blue backpack, while doing so, I saw Alyssa looking at me, with her long brown hair to just a bit above her hips. And her beautiful dark brown eyes. Damn, she's so beautifull.

But I'm just a loser after all.
I'm just a guy, dark brown hair, light green eyes. 6 foot tall. While she is somewhere around the 5"6'.

My math teacher looked at us.
'So are you lovebirds...'
Lovebirds? LOVEBIRDS? Did he just call us that?
I nodded and with a fast pace left the classroom.
Alyssa left after me.
She said my name multiple times. But I was walking in such a fast pace, thinking about why he called us lovebirds, that I didn't hear her.
What am I stupid!

I went to my locker to get my jacket. When she also came.
'William?' She asked with her cute voice.
She was standing behind my locker door so I quickly threw that closed and looked her in the eyes with the most interested face ever.

'Did you go to school on your bike too?' She asked. I knew what she was going to ask.

'Yes. You too then?'

She nodded and then she asked something that I was kind off expecting; 'Want to go home together? Or do you already have plans?'

'No, I don't. And sure. I just need to get home before 5 and we'll be fine.' I answered.

I had soccer training and I wasn't feeling up to it at the moment.

'Oh you have soccer training today? Where is it?' She curiously asked.

I told her where and we went home.

I grabbed my bag with my soccer clothes and a bottle of water.

And went to the training.
It's be full moon that night and some of my friends that are in the same soccer team and I would go meet up somewhere, together with some girls from my class. Including Brooklynn and Alyssa.

Oh, training, right, almost went off-topic.

I am the striker of the team. I've scored many goals. My coach would always give me compliments.
My best friend Tyler plays at left-wing.
There's some other dude that plays at right-wing. He's an amazing player, but he never passes. You can shout his name as many times as he wants and he hears it. But he just ignores it because he believes he doesn't need a team to become the best soccer player in the world.
No-one passes to him simply because of that.

We were in the middle of the training when I saw someone standing outside the fence.
I quickly realised it was Alyssa and raised my hand, right as I wanted to say 'Hi' my coach began shouting at me.
I actually like Alyssa, so I tried a little harder to show my skills.
She looked impressed.
I looked at her and kept on running, apparently I was quicker than the ball, so in a stupid move with full pace I stepped on the rolling ball and fell with my nose onto the field.

Tyler and my coach came running in my direction. My nose was bleeding.
Was it worth it? I don't know.

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