Chapter 15

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3 months later

Ally p.o.v

We're in NY bitches i love it up here , it's so nice up here but i do hate the traffic , its so much but i went took a shower after i got out put on my purple sweatshirt, black leggings then went into my closet put on my purple uggs then headed to the store

Olivia p.o.v

I love NY I've always wanted to live up here an now look where I'm at but i went took a shower after i got out i put on blue jeans, red long sleeve shirt then put on my red huraches before i left i walked next door to my brother house an dropped the kids off over there then headed to the mall

Ally p.o.v

When i get back from the store i see that my liv dropped the kids off i wonder where she went

Ally: hey baby

Elijah: hey

Ally: you know where liv went ?

Elijah: nahhh , you bout cook tho ?

Ally: yea ig , imma make spaghetti

Elijah: alright, the girls sleeping in our room just let you know

Ally: ok

Olivia p.o.v

So I've been talking to this guy that i met , no my brother or Ally knows about him because i wanted to wait and wanted it to be a surprise there's also a little secret but y'all won't find out to later

Ally: Hey baby , can you go the door please?

Elijah: Yea hold on

Olivia: Hey brother

Elijah: hey baby sis , who this?

Olivia: This is Thomas

Elijah: Wassup

Ally: Y'all just going to stand by the door and talk or come sit down and eat

Olivia: Hey boo

Ally: Who is this lil boy? , i didn't know about him

Olivia: This is Thomas , Thomas this Ally

Thomas: Sup

Ally: Hurt my girl and imma break your face

Thomas: lol alright

Ally p.o.v

After everybody left i went to take a shower and tucked the kids in to bed and went to get in the bed wit my man lol......

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