act i scene ii

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The room was silent as the crowd watched in wonder at the scene unfolding before them. There stood the princess, tall and fair, as perfect as a statue made of glass. Her delicate hands were folded in her lap, constantly smoothing the wrinkles in her dress.

Everyone saw her as the picturesque daughter of the king and queen, but no one noticed the way her bright blue eyes darted around the room and merely addressed her forced smile.

She knew he was coming.

But was she ready to face him, to see what he has become-- to see what will become of them?

"Father, please reconsider," her soft voice pleaded with the king, her hands clasped tightly in front of her. "I beg you. He has never found me interesting. What makes you think that will change?"

The king turned to his only daughter, her eyes not holding the light they usually did-- and it pained him to see her so distraught. But this was their only chance to have a powerful and courageous king to rule the kingdom.

"Aurora, I am truly sorry, but no; I will not reconsider." He could only watch as her face fell, bowing her head in sorrowful respect. She knew she wasn't going to get her way, but it was worth a try.

"Yes... father."

The trumpets began blaring as the king, queen, and princess stood to their feet. In mere seconds, all of their lives will change forever.

Tell me something... How are you supposed to do the things that are expected of you when your being wants something else? How can a princess do her job when she feels like a slave to her own people? How was she supposed to do something like this when she has a mind, a heart, and a soul telling her to do something entirely different?

"Your royal highness, my queen, and princess," a man dressed in a lavish uniform stepped forward, bowing in front of the three. "I present to you King Hubert and Prince Phillip." The large doors opened, revealing the proud king and his pompous son.

Aurora watched Phillip as he entered the room, studying him discreetly. She saw the way he smiled-- a rather genuine one-- his head held higher than his own father's. He approached the royal family with such pride and arrogance that Aurora had to look away in fear of throwing him off of his game... and, of course, in fear.

Yes, she feared him in the sense that she feared he would not accept her, for the sake of both of their kingdoms.

"Your majesty," Phillip bowed before the king and queen, just before he looked up to meet the eyes of the doe-eyed princess. "It is an honor to be the man chosen to wed your beautiful daughter."

He stood, gently kissing the queen's hand before turning to Aurora. Something changed the moment she looked in to his eyes. She didn't see the usual annoyance, but rather something different. It was something she has never seen directed at her.

"It is a pleasure to see you again," he smiled at her, taking her left hand in his, right before boldly stating: "my lady." He kissed her ring finger, right where the royal engagement ring will be placed.

He was staring at her with such affection, all the people in the audience's knees went weak, even though everything was fake. The important part is that it felt real.

Everything then seemed to blend together; Phillip calling for and introducing the engagement ring, right before placing it on her finger, and Phillip grabbing Aurora's hand, leading her on to the main floor to dance.

It was the 'perfect love story'; except for the fact that it wasn't.

And it all started as the side door leading from outside on to the stage opened, a man with a bloody wound staggered on to the stage... and dropped at the princess' and prince's feet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2017 ⏰

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