Emotional Drunk

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Sun's pov

It's a late night in Alola and I just had experienced the awful feeling of rejection, not for the first time in life. But this... This was different. I had been good friends with I guy named Calem for the last four years, and had finally had mustered up the courage to tell the guy that I was gay, and what did he do? He told me that it was wrong and that he didn't want to hang around me anymore. And that's the nice version of the story. I was hurt by the fact that he didn't support me, he was the only friend that I had around consistently, the others were busy or travelling. The painful feeling in my chest is suffocating. I page a Charizard to take me to the nearest town and begin to wander around to try to get it all out of my head. I eventually stumble upon a bar called the Golduck Saloon. Oh I' haven't been here in a while, maybe I could go in there ... That actually doesn't sound like a bad idea right now... I shuffle in and take the first empty bar stool I see and let out a heavy sigh. The bartender looks up and his eyes widen. "What are you doing here, you look worse than usual. Bad day I'd take it?" I answer in a tired manner, "Give me the strongest thing you have, I don't want to think about any of it anymore." He nods his head in understanding and gets to it. He brings me several bottles and places them in front of me. "With the look in your eye, i suspected you may want more than a glass. Don't worry, I'll cover the bill for you." He says. "Thanks man, you don't have to pay though, I have more money than I could possibly spend in my lifetime." I insist. I set a wad of cash in front of him that very obviously is way too much and start drinking the fiery liquid. Before I know it, I'm totally drunk. Then a blonde guy sits next to me and orders one of the drinks I usually get. "Heeeey that's one of my faaaavorites I needed something much stronger this time, had one of the shittiest days ever." I say. "What happened? If you don't mind me asking." He says. "Well, eeeeeveryone is gonna probably gonna find out aaaanyways. So, I finally told one of my friends that I was gay, and he was a total jerk about it and made a scene." I cringe. "That sucks dude, but what do you mean everyone will know?" He inquires. "Well, I'm the Champion here in Alola, and he's the Champion of the Kalos region. Nothing ever stays secret in cases like this." I say sourly. "Wait..... Sun? It's been so long I didn't recognize you! You seem so different from back then, you were a lot happier and optimistic. What changed, besides what happened with Calem?" He says in surprise. "Uuuugh.... Baaaaattling constantly and never really getting a breeeeeak from it, even my pokemon are worn out. They don't really have that spark for battle anymore.... I hate seeing that. But I can't do anything until someone beats me." I say, taking a huge gulp of liquor. He takes the bottle from me. "I think you've had enough, why don't we head to my place so you don't do something stupid." "Sounds gooood tooo meee. Heh, I am pretty stupid." I say with a lopsided grin on my face. He throws the cash on the counter under his glass and stands up, giving me a chance to check him out. "Heeeelloooo hot stuff." I let slip. His face turns pink and he helps me up without commenting. I stumble around and chuckle like a moron as he struggles to to hold me up and get me out of there. My pokeballs jingle on my belt as the struggle continues and suddenly my  Incineroar pops out of his pokeball and picks me up, giving me a concerned glance before turning to the blonde man. 

The blonde's pov

"Hey, been a long time huh? Do you remember me?" I ask. Incineroar nods. "Do you trust me?" I ask. He nods again in response. "Okay, follow me, we need to get him in my car so I can get him to my place. Do you wanna ride with us when he's settled, or go back in your pokeball?" He jerks his head towards Sun's belt. "Fair enough." I say as I walk out of the bar, Incineroar following behind. "Does this happen often?" I ask him. He gives an affirmative huff. "Must not be this bad usually though, huh?" He shakes his head and looks down at Sun again, who is laughing quietly and frowns. "Ah, here we are." I say. I stand in front of a sleek black car with glowing blue tires and border. I unlock the car and Incineroar puts Sun in the passenger seat before turning back to me. "Thanks, you are a big help, you sure you don't want to ride with us?" I ask. He shakes his head and taps his pokeball with a claw and returns inside. I get in the car and start the short drive to the place I've lived in for years. Sun babbles about Arceus knows what the entire drive but i ignore it in favor of thinking about why this had happened in the first place. The poor guy has had it pretty rough from the sound of it, always working, having to hide part of himself from others, never having a break, it's got to be pretty taxing to be the first champion of this region. When we reach the worn down hotel, I sigh at the task ahead of me before shutting off the car and going around the other side to get Sun out. I open the door just as he makes a huge gesture to the right, making him almost fall out of the car, only saved by his seat-belt. "Aaaaahhh! that was a close one." He laughs. "This is gonna be a challenge..." I say. I set him to where he's sitting up (kinda) and unbuckle the belt. I think for a moment, trying to decide how i'm going to do this, when an idea occurs to me. "Hey Sun, wanna pokeback ride?" I ask. "Hell yeah! I haven't had one in forever!" He replies enthusiastically. He clumsily scrambles out of the car and leaps on my back, holding on tightly, but not in an uncomfortable way, thank Arceus. I close the door with my foot and the doors automatically lock. I come up to the door and manage to somehow unlock the door and open it to get inside. I walk over to my bed and address Sun. "Alright, hop off and get in bed, you need to sleep this liquor off before you get worked up and end up puking." He lets go and flops onto the bed. I walk over to my couch and kick off my shoes and socks and yank off my hoodie. I grab an extra blanket out of the closet and flick off the light before sprawling out on my couch for the night. Almost right after I'm settled, I'm disturbed. "Hey man, can you come here for a second? I need to get up." Sun says. I sigh and get up, I shuffle over to the bed and extend my hand to give him a boost off the bed, what I didn't expect was him grabbing my hand and yanking me down with him. I find myself lying on top of him and try to sit up. I hover over him trying to get a good look at his face. "What the hell was that f-!" I say. I finally catch the look on his face and freeze. "You have amazing eyes, they practically glow in the dark..." He trails off. He slowly pulls me towards him and kisses me. At first, all I feel is shock. Then it feels like my lips are on fire and I start to melt into it. We break apart and I speak, "Sun..... I don't think we should be doing this... You aren't thinking straight." He wraps his arms around me before replying. "...Do you like me?" I reply hesitantly. "Yes...." He continues. "Would you be up to the challenge?" I answer. "I guess...." He says, "Then lets just go with it, we can worry about the rest tomorrow." I warily give in to his wishes and we kiss again. Things get heated pretty fast and I get caught up in the feeling it gives me, a feeling that I crave: connection. He tugs on my shirt, I lift my arms and he slips it over my head. He struggles out of his shirt and I can't help but say something. "You got a tattoo on your stomach?" He nods. "Yeah, it's supposed to be a like a tribal sun tattoo. I got it so I would remember to stay positive." He pulls me in to continue the makeout. He slides his tongue in my mouth and we wrestle with eachother, me coming out on top. I break away from his mouth and leave a trail of kisses down his jaw and to his neck, I graze his throat with my teeth and he lets out a moan. I graze it again, this time with a little more pressure which he also responds to. I go back to kissing him and his hands slide up my back, pulling me closer. He grinds against me and I let out a groan. I place one of  my hands next to his head and use the other to tug his shorts off. I undo my belt and kick mine off to the side and Sun grabs me through my boxers, causing me to inhale sharply. He has me sit up and crawls over to me and grabs my hips, pushing my underwear down. My breath catches as the air hits my now exposed erection, he wraps his fingers around the base and takes it in his mouth without hesitation. The feeling of his hot, wet mouth engulfing my dick is amazing, not even a hint of teeth. I release a deep moan and tangle my hand in his hair. I can feel my dick getting harder and start aching with need. He slips it out of his mouth with a soft pop and lays back on the bed, stripping off his underwear and I do the same. I come over to him and he spreads his legs. "How much prepping?" I ask. "Try slipping in three." He pants. I position three fingers at the entrance that is now slippery with precum and slowly push them inside. Once past the opening, they slip in a bit easier than expected. He quivers under the sensation and I try to slide them in and out cautiously. When I'm sure that he's ready, I slide my fingers out completely. I grip his hips and waste no time slamming into him. His first reaction is to wrap his legs around my waist and arms around my neck. I keep holding onto him and continue to thrust, our bodies slick with sweat. I let go of one hip and grab ahold of his twitching erection, pumping it in time with the thrusts. Our grunts and pants get louder at we get closer to finish. "I can't hold back anymore." I growl. "Then *pant* don't." He puffs out. I begin to pound him with everything that I've got and he starts to whimper, holding me tighter. "I think- I think I'm gonna cum." I wheeze. "Inside, do it inside." He whines. One thrust, two thrust and it all comes spurting out. He releases on his chest a split second after me. I slip out, cum pooling out of his hole and collapse beside him. "Not *huff* bad." I say. "Not bad yourself." He says with a bob of his head. He curls up against me, hand on my chest and legs entwined with my own. We both crash from having the energy expelled from our bodies into a dreamless sleep....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2019 ⏰

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