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I haven't spoke to dougie since. I text danny then morning after and he brought my stuff around. But today kira was moving to london.

December 28th. I saw harry on his birthday I met him in starbucks and gave his birthday pressent and christmas pressent for everyone including dougie. He gave me pressents from everyone and danny got one for lucy which was so cute.

But kira was moving into london. So I woke up at 10 then got changed into a pair of joggers and a huddy. When I got kiras text with the address I leterally ran there. However the only problem was I had to go passed the band house. Luckily nobody saw me.

I ran up to kiras door and her mum answered it.

"Mummy!" I said

"Hello! How's my second little daughter!" She said

"I'm fine. I've really missed you guys." I said as I hugged her.

"I know. Now kiras upstairs. Go find her. Ill probs go round to your later to see your dad." She said and I nodded as I ran up the stairs.

"Oh watch the..." She then stopped as I fell up the step.

"To late I said." As I hit the floor.

Kira then ran in.

"I heard someone fall. I asumed it was you." She said

"Thanks a lot!" I said standing up.

"Come see my room." She said dragging me.

We ran into her room and her room was painted blue, pink and purple. It had posters of busted and it was ... Kiralised as we called it.

"Kiralised I see." I said

"Yep. Now I want goss." She said

"What about?" I said

"Well mcfly!" She said

"Nothing. I'm not talking to dougie anymore." I sighed.

"Why not!" She asked

"He tried to kiss me. Then backed of and hasn't spoken to me." I said

"When? It will ware of soon enough." She said

"Nearly 3 weeks ago." I said

"Oh right!" She said

My phone buzzed.


Dougies been round. Ring him xx


Where are you. I want to talk. Xx

Please abbie xxxx

Where are you. Ill come to you. Just me and you nobody else! Xxx

It kept going off.

"That's dougie now. He wants to talk." I said

"Talk to him then!" She said

"We can go round later. But its just me and you for now! I've missed you" I said as I hugged her.

"I've missed you too. But your phones anoying me! Text him back!" She said

"Fine!" I took my phone our and replied to him.

I'm with kira now. Look I've not seen her since I found out my dad was in hospital I want some alone time with her. We will come round tonight! But stop texting me! You pissing me off!

I left it at that and he replied staight away.

Okay thanks see you then :) sorry xx

I just ignored it then carried on talking to kira. At around 6 o'clock kiras dad walked in.

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