Time To Go

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As Freya waited for the bus, she kicked a small rock from under her foot. The sun had not even risen yet, though signs of light penetrated the dark night and worked its way over the far off horizon. The thoughts of what lied ahead swam in her head and she frowned for a second, but quickly smiled when she realized that the journey was finally about to begin. Leaving was a big step for her, and everything she owned was packed into one large suitcase and a backpack that she kept slung over her shoulder. Though Freya was small and the bag was heavy, she held a fierce determination inside of her that kept her mind thinking of other thoughts.

A bus pulled into the station and Freya realized it was hers. She quickly searched in her pocket for the bus ticket and pulled it out. Grabbing her suitcase by the handle, she wheeled it behind her while hanging tightly on to her backpack strap with her other hand. The driver took her luggage to store and Freya made her way to the bus door towards the front. The bus was old and dusty, but she hardly noticed as she waited for the elderly man in front of her to board. Just before she stepped onto the bus, Freya looked behind her to gaze at the small village for one last time. Having lived there her whole life, a small feeling of sadness crept up within her. It would be quite some time before she would return and she felt a little sick at the thought of not seeing her sister and nieces for a while.

As she worked her way down the aisle to an empty seat, she slowly started to relax. The hardest part of a journey is sometimes the first step, and Freya had just taken that step. Slumping into the bus seat, her weary body started to ache and a rush of tiredness slowly took hold. She had spent the better part of the previous day packing and had slept lightly as the thoughts of what lied ahead loomed. Her main arrangement had fallen through, so with the help of a friend, she had devised a new plan. Though less certain about the short term bothered her, she was still just as optimistic that her dreams would finally be realized. Freya laid her head against the window as the bus lurched forward, and she watched the palm trees slowly roll by as clouds of dust trailed behind her.  Soon, she was sound asleep again, and a sense of peacefulness swept over her beautiful face.

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