The Dock

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The bus pushed through the street as it made its way to the boat dock on the edge of the city. After a few minutes, it rolled to a stop, and Freya awoke, rubbing her eyes as she tried to focus. The sun was up now, and the bright light hurt her eyes as she looked out the window. Boats of all shapes and sizes lined the docks and bounced gently up and down through the gentle waves. As the passengers filed off the bus, Freya stood up and checked her pocket for the ferry pass. Satisfied that she still had it, she grabbed her cellphone out of her bag to check her messages. 47 new messages.... and they were all from him. She smiled and put the phone back in her bag, and slung it over her shoulder. She'd deal with him later. For now, she needed to find her ferry for the next part of her trip. As she stepped off the bus, the breeze on the water blew her long, brown hair from her face, and she gazed across the water with her dark, beautiful brown eyes. Seagulls dived into the water offshore, grabbing small bits of fish left from a feeding school of Tuna.

Freya was anxious to get on board and get settled down as she ran her fingers through her hair and swept it to the side. She found her ship, gave the man at the gangplank her ticket, and stepped onto the boat. It was a larger boat. Much bigger than most of the other ones in the harbor. Smoke rose from the funnel and moved swiftly through the air as the strong sea breeze blew it inland. She made her way to the passenger seating, found an open space, and sat down, putting her backpack next to her. Though she still had a lot to think about before she arrived at her destination, Freya decided to concentrate on that later. For now, she wanted to read her messages from him.

She smiled as she rapidly thumbed through the messages he had sent. Though he was a very long ways away from her, his chats always managed to make her feel happy, as if he was right there with her. No matter what type of mood she was in, his texts constantly brightened her mood and made her smile a wide grin. His messages were a wide array of disjointed thoughts, statements, and questions. How he managed to have so much to write to her about, she could never determine. But the messages brought her comfort and she felt a warm glow flow through her as she read them. After a bit, she moved back to the first message he had sent and started to read them more intently. Just then, the crew pulled the ropes off the moorings, and the ship pulled gradually away from the dock. She turned her head back around, and watched the boat yard move away. She was leaving her home now. The familiar surroundings would soon be out of site, and Freya would be venturing on to a new place. One she had never been to before. A mix of excitement and nervousness rose within her, and she quickly looked back at her cellphone to concentrate on his messages again.

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