Episode 1: A New Day a New Year

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Scene 1 (in the morning on the first day of Junior High)

Charlies bedroom, alarm clock rings loudly, switches between different bedrooms of the different character with alarm clock still ringing. Switches back to Charlies room struggling annoyed at the ringing noise, shuffles to turn off the alarm clock and falls out of bed and loudly groans. Switches to Maxes room, he gently turns off the clock, walking out of bed to get dressed. Switches to Trevor's room. Trevor's alarm clock goes off and he quickly gets up

Trevor: First day! Today's the first day of Junior High. (panics while alarm clock is still ringing loudly)

Trevor's little sister: Trevor turn off your alarm clock! Some people are trying to sleep

Trevor: Oh sorry sis! (rushes to shut off alarm clock and scatters off to get dressed)

Camera switches to Cooper still snoring while is alarm clock is ringing

Switches to George getting dressed when someone calls him, he walks over and picks up his phone

George: Hello?

Trevor: Hey bud, as you know its the first day of school and I have no idea what to wear..

George: (sighs) Trevor what are you six.. Can't you find something to wear?

Trevor: Sorry Mr.Grumpy. I can find something to wear but, I want your opinion.

George: I don't know Trevor, I don't know what you have in your closet

Trevor: Come on, you must know something?

George: (sighs) Um.. what about that silver collar I've seen you wear before?

(shuffles in closet and finds the collar)

Trevor: Found it! Your right dude, this collar is snazzy!

George: Snazzy?

Trevor: Don't judge me..

George: (huffs) I can't deal with this so early in the morning.. I have to get ready too..

Trevor: Sorry dude, I'm excited for this year. So you soon..

George: See you

(hangs up, thinks for a second and walks off to go eat breakfast)


(Cuts quickly to Cooper still snoring)

Charlie is making cereal for herself

Char Mom: You excited for Junior High? You've grown up so fast! I remember when you were my little girl in 3rd grade.. (she says as she serves the dad coffee as he reads the news paper

Charlie: To be honest, I'm not excited.. You know I don't like school, there's so many snobs and stuck up girls. I hate living around a rich neighborhood.

Char Mom: I know Hun, but you have a lot of good friends..

Charlie: yeah I know I do,  I'm lucky..

Char Mom: Well, you don't want to be late for your first day of school.

Charlie: Yeah.. I bet Cooper will be, he's always been late on the first grade since 8th Grade, he's so ridiculous..

Char Mom: How is he? I haven't seen you too together for such a long time, you two used to be so inseparable..

Charlie: um.. yeah we still talk and hang out, he just doesn't come here that often anymore I guess

Char Mom: Oh okay, I was just curious. Have a nice day sweetheart.

Charlie: Bye Mom, Bye Dad

Char Dad: By Hun, have a good day.

Charlie grabs her bag and exists.

Scene 2 (Outside of house George exists his home) As he turns around Trevor is right behind him

Trevor: Hey dud- (he is cut off his sentence when George yelps and turns around and slaps Trevor

Trevor: Dude! Ow! What was that for?

George: Trevor! You scared me, ugh..

(George walks past him angry)

Trevor: George, yo wait up!

(Catches up with George)

Trevor: You know a apology would be nice

(George stops and sighs)

George: Sorry, I didn't mean to hit you. you just scared me

Trevor: It's okay bro.. but it did kinda hurt

George: Sorry bro..

Trevor: It's okay

George: Okay well, lets just get to the bus stop

(When they get there, George gasps)

Trevor: Whats wrong dude?

(Trevor sees what George noticed, it's Max)

Trevor: Oh its Max, so what? He's no one interesting.. whats the big deal

George: There's no big deal, I was just surprised that he takes the bus here

(They walk closer to him and Trevor walks in front of George and stands next to Max, leaving a little bit of space. Camera shows them all standing next to one another as it fades away.)

Shows a close of someone running (Cooper)

He huffs loudly as he enters in the school with a scurry. He drops a book behind. Couple seconds later you see a Grey cat pick up the book and walk into the school (Olive)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2017 ⏰

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