Chapter 1

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Its been months since we first moved in and started training. The first day was basically going over what we will be doing,and the first week was practicing how to run and now we are doing how to make our run better and more efficient and effective in battle or hunting. I was very sweaty after training. I grabbed a towel and wiped my face off before heading back to my dorm. Once i got back I looked in the fridge and got some cake that had keeva's name on it. Sure she was probably going to kill me but she drank my coke-a-cola a few days ago so it kind of works. She came in and saw me eating her cake "MISTY THAT CLEARLY HAD MY NAME ON IT I KNOW YOU SAY" I laughed " hey you drank my coke this is pretty fair." She made a frustrated sound and opened the fridge door. "I found something better anyways" I perked my ears "chocolate pudding" I took another bite of cake "where'd ya get that?" "Joey" she smiled. That one guy with the neatly side swept brown hair and the same mark as us? Ok so we didn't know what mark he was but i want pudding! I whined inside my mind "I still have your cake" "and I have my crush's pudding! Wayyyy better" I puffed "what? You don't even have a crush" "correction. I had one". "Why did you let him go?" I sighed "he wasn't interested" she popped open the pudding cup and grabbed a spoon "shame,you two looked cute together" I looked away to hide my blushing "uh yea don't remind me" I finished the cake and threw the paper plate away "did you get the cake from joey as well?"  "Nope. Bakery" I nodded "ill have to get me some more". I walked out and went to enjoy the sunshine at the park.

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