January 15, 2014

55 6 1

Dear Diary,

   Today was cool I guess.. Yet, I keep feeling less and less about my self. Yet there's only a few things I keep going for: My mom, My dad, My fish, My friends, My grandma.. Oh my grandma.. If I left her.. A piece of me should die.. I love her so much.. YouTube, and you guys.. You know what makes me smile? My family, My stupid cats XD, My friends, My grandma, Youtube, and You guys! When I get votes, puts a smile on my face! I'm glad to know that you like what Imp writing! Yet on the write my life story, I inspired some of you to write your own, and I loved that!! Yet walking home today, I was marking the things wrong with me: I'm ugly, no one will love me, I'm a attention whore, I'm weird, I'm doing the wrong things in my life, and just everything.. There's nothing, nothing good about me. Yet today I watched Mathew lush's Monday video, and it was titled "The ugliest girl in the world" and he was saying how everyone was beautiful, and there was a link to a video, I clicked the link for maybe some hope. When I watched it it was beautiful.. I just love this video, It was so motivating, and I love her happy sprit. I began watching some of her videos, and I just fell in love. She is so funny, and I just love her! So last night, I went out with my dad. We went to a pawn shop for something, and I smiled at everyone there. I just like to give smiles. Even if I'm dying inside, I still give smiles. Then there was this old man, when I smiled at him, my smile kept getting bigger so I guess he was sensing I wanted him to say something so he said "You need to teach your world how to smile!" I didn't say anything I just smiled at the ground and began blushing. I blush easily.. Just saying.. If your very pale like me, you blush easily.. 


                                                                                                                                        Leanne <3

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