Chapter 8: After Math

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I woke up to my alarm.I wish I didn't need to get up. I felt something warm. I looked at the still sleepy raven. It wasn't a dream. I smiled knowing he is mine. I promise to always be there for you and never let you go. I tried to slide out of his grip but yeah he was stronger than I thought.

"Moron stop...stay for a bit longer"

"I want to but we have school today remember and we have to get ready."

"Ok I need a shower anyway."

I saw Susuke go to the shower. He looked so cute. I changed into some jeans and a black shirt. I went to the kitchen and started to cook us breakfast. I was still extremely happy from last night. He is mine and I will never ever let him go.

"That smells great what are you making" Susuke said walking in the kitchen putting his shirt on with his hair still wet.

"Pancakes hurry up we don't want to be late"I said handing him three pancakes.

*Time Skip*

After we ate we went in my car to hear to school today we presentation day. So if we did have to get things settled early for the class. We got to the school and I wraped my arm around his neck to keep him close. He pinched my side but it didn't work I still had him close. I let Susuke go to class cause again We Only Had One Hour Together.

*Time Skip*

"Ok we got everything ready so who is our singer again?"

"Me moron now you get ready to tell the teacher what the message is and all that .....we're first remember."

"All right all right no need to be a sour patch kid." Once I said that blush spead across his checks with that small smile of his.

"What up everybody the message of our song is that sometimes you And the person you love end up in a 'REBAL LOVE SONG' and singing will be Susuke and I will be on drums hope you all like it." After I yelled that out I ran to my drums.

After the song was done everyone was standing and chearing for us. Man, it felt good too. I ran to Susuke and gave him a huge hug. I never knew he can sing like that. I can sing but not as good as him. Kakashi gave us an 'A' for that too. After class we had lunch,  finally. I put my arm around Susuke's neck and headed to the cafeteria. We sat alone in the corner of the lunch room cause alot of people started to praise us for the two songs ,but more so the second one.

"This is nuts I never thought a project could get people this riled up, by the way were did you learn how to sing like that, it was amazing."

"What are you talking about I always sang like that... I didnt take a class or what ever."

"Well then my boyfreind is really talented then."

I looked up from my plate and saw that little smile again, it made me so happy when ever I got him to smile.

"Hay cuddle muffin! "

I heard that same sqeaky voice from somewhere before I hope it's not who I think it is. I turned around to see the pink dictator at her finest.

"Oh ... what do you need Sakuda?"

"Wow nice ,not even a hi."

"Ok Hi What do you want?"

"I heard that song you guys did and I wanted to tell you that I forgive you."

"Wait what why should you forgive me and what?"

"Cause I know you miss me so that's why you wrote the song right so I forgive you and I am willing to give you another chance ,so why don't we go for ice cream after school I can drive this time." She uttered.

While sitting and wrapping her arm around mine. I saw Susuke and saw that hurt him Alot. Hell no, I am not doing that to him or even getting back with that clingy attention whore. I pride my hand from her, she looked at me confused.

"Well sorry to say this,but I already have plans with someone else."

"Ok...with your freind it is ok maybe another time pumkin how about this weekend?"

"How about not at all...sorry to tell you this but I am with someone else and really I want to be with them."

"Wait who is she?.... is it Hinata? It is ... isn't she I am going to ring her neck!!"

"No it's not"

"Then who?!"

"Susuke that's who."

"Your kidding me right...your not gay."

"Yeah I am so what and might as well leave me and my boyfreind alone cause the teachers and everyone are looking at you like you crazy."


"Just leave"

Her face was like a tomato. It was always funny to see her turn colors like that, but I know for a fact no one hurts my boyfreind. Susuke looked at me with that same smile that I love. I walked to the other side of the table and gave him a hug and small kiss on his cheek.

"Come one let's go home."

(((Hay what up everyone sorry i haven't posted in a while but how did you guys like the chapter remember vote comment and subcribe and I'll see you all in the next one. Bye Bye

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