Homework, Essays, and FUCKING MORE HOMEWORK

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   This is my most hated thing in the world. Homework. even the sight of that makes me want to shove my head through a wall! How much do I hate homework? enough to chop my dick of--- Woah that went too far, I take that back.

Anycock, back to the horrid topic of Essays, homework and projects.

First off Essays : Sometimes we don't take them home, we get to do them in class but what the fucks the difference you still doing it. One time my teacher lost our essays and she told us to re-do it. Ha!

I shrugged and took loose leaf writing in bold sharpie 'ESSAY' across it and handed it to the bitch. She asked what it was and I said 'essay'. Don't try this at school, the consequences were horrible, I had detention, kicked out of class, a call to my parents and a whole bunch of other bullshit.

This other time, our P.E teacher told us to do an Essay. WHAT THE BLUE FUCKERY? Who writes fucking essays for GYM! I don't care if you do but I sure in hell was not. Why do we even have to write in GYM! GYYYYYM  I SAID!

 I was so angry and I stared at the paper for hours. WHO WRITES FOR GYM! Aren't we suppose to be concentrated on our Bodies, ya know like... well...  PHYSICAL EDUCATION!


When I did write the fucktard essay that had only about 40 words because I wrote about the size at the moon, I got the essay back and guess what?

Shit said : 'Great job. next time make it a little longer'

Yeah.... Believe me when I say I didn't see it coming.

So do I take everything back just because I got a good grade?

Fuck no ._.

Second Homework : Oh shit. This. I don't even do this shit, When I get home I'l always be like 'I'm going to be a good boy and after I eat, I'm going to do all my homework'. So after I eat, I take out my homework and see all this gibberish language.

I take a second look at all of them in front of me aaand then I quit tossing it somewhere. Yep thats basically what I do every time I get home, I don't do that shit.

I get so aggravated when I do math homework. Sometimes I write inappropriate language on the paper as answers, for ex : What's 2+2 I'll answer like : 2+2 = the dick that'll be in your mouth in a matter of seconds.

-_- Yeah and then when I get to school I gotta erase it ;0 but sometimes I forget to x:

PROJECTS : Let's leave it simple.

I DO THAT SHIT LAST MOTHERFUCKING MINUTE. If it's due tomorrow, I'll start it at 11:00pm at night, I'm that bad.

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