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A Sargent and a Captain rush though a dark and broken down building, with their blasters drawn and their eyes attentive. Their objective was to take in a ex-imperial officer, dead or alive. But alive was the preference due to the information this man had.
The Captain tapped the Sargent's arm, and signaled her to follow him under a fallen support beam. They tread their steps carefully, and each watch opposite sides of each other's weaknesses. They unknowingly display the best example of a well oiled machine, and fantastic partnership that wasn't seen often.

"Jyn." The Captain breaths quick, and holds up a hand, effectively stopping the woman behind him. He points to a small trench before them, that leads in an new direction. He jumps down and is stopped from marching onward, by a hand on his shoulder.

"Cassian." The Sargent whispers, and points him to the darkness that he was about to walk into. Sargent Erso shined a light in front of him to reveal a filthy young man curled up in a ball on the ground. He's dressed all in black, and quivering ferociously.

Captain Andor smiles. "We've got him."

The two dragged the man out of the trenches, and place binders on his wrists with ease. They shove him in their cargo bay/prison below their ship, without a word being exchanged. The man knew he was defeated. He seemed to have known it all along.

Captain Cassian Andor strapped himself in, as his wife, Sargent Jyn Erso walked to the back of the ship to check on their ignition. Though Cassian knew she was doing that to avoid him. Jyn even knew that he knew that, thus doing it anyway to tick him off.

Ever since their mission on Dantoine, and their heated argument that didn't get resolved, they had operated without many words or interaction besides what the mission called for. There was a large void between them, which they were both responsible for, and both actively avoiding confrontation with. It was a stalemate, and no one wanted to forfeit their position. This had been only the fiftieth large argument that wedged a divide between the two since their marriage. They often, separately, wondered if it was a mistake. Constantly pondering the possibility that they'd leave each other if it was not for their joint task force and commitment to the rebellion.

It wasn't due to a lack of love that they weren't speaking. It was in due to the abundance of it, and the confusion in how to use it and show it. They both honestly didn't know what they were doing. Having both lost their parents at a young age, they never really saw what was behind a good marriage. This hurt them both, although it was tough to see.

"Rejoining the task force." Cassian said, as the popped out of light speed and next to a small squadron.

They, along with the squadron flew Hoth's rebel base, to get their new orders there.

"Captain Andor, Sargent Erso." Princess Leia greeted them at their arrival. "Boy do we have a mission for you." Leia smiled and shook her head.

After learning of their mission to gain intel on a new Death Star that was being commissioned, undercover, Cassian noticed the bags under Leia's eyes. She was always working, but now she looked like she was crushing under the weight of the responsibilities she had gained after her father's death. As his squadron got ready to depart, Cassian pulled Leia aside.

"You're doing a fantastic job by the way. A leader of the rebellion. Your father would be proud. But I hope you're not taking it too hard. Take it easy. Get some rest now and again."

Leia shook her head. "Thank you. But I'll sleep when the war is won."

Cassian just shook his head in defeat. She just wouldn't heed his advice. She never did.

"And you. Look at you. You need some sleep. Maybe I should talk to the Sargent about that." Leia smirked as she pointed her nose to Jyn, who was gearing up.

Cassian tried not to scoff. He and Jyn had not been bed mates for quite some time. But he knew the absence of her in his bed was the reason he didn't get much sleep. He stayed up worrying about her most nights, and thought about how much he'd disappointed her and himself, others.

"Yeah." He said trying to hide his true emotions. He put on a week smile.

Leia caught his strange response to what should have been a good joke. Maybe she just wasn't the funny one. Or something was up with the Captain. "Are you alright?"

Cassian brought his hand to hold his temple. He was visibly tired too. "I'm fine. Or utterly terrible. But that's what happens when you have this sort of job."

"The job of rebellion Captain, or the job of husband?"

Cassian looked up and could see in Leia's eyes that she knew. She always knew the small things that she shouldn't know. Simply patting Cassian on the back, Leia whispered, "If you tried as hard for her as you do for the rebellion, you might be surprised with the results."

With that Leia left Cassian in the middle of the large hanger, pondering what the princess had said.

Cassian walked over to his ship, and looked around at his squadron all decked out in improvised smuggler clothing of all kinds. He nodded to all of them, and they gave back a nod saying they were ready in response. "Let's go steal a ship." Cassian said as he put on a stolen imperial officers cap.

As the stolen smuggling gang's freighter they were on shook, Cassian walked over to Jyn who simply stared at the ground.

"Captain." She said in monotone, still not meeting his gaze.

"Sargent-- Jyn." Casein swallowed hard. "I want to talk to you."

"About what exactly? We've already gone over the specifics of the operation." She said coolly.

Cassian couldn't take it. He turned to walk away, but was stopped by an arm. Jyn's hand was holding him from leaving. Her eyes showed real venerability that Cassian hadn't seen in ages. He took her hand, and was about to speak to her, honestly, for the first time in a while. But that's when the ship took a hit.

"Five TIE-Fighters coming at our six Captain!" The pilot screamed, waiting for his next command.

Cassian and Jyn's hands unclasped quickly, but no doubt painfully. Cassian ran to the cockpit, immediately regretting his decision to drop the first chance in a long time, to reconcile with his wife. "Forward shields up. Get to the rear cannons Raig!" Cassian decided to channel all his anger and frustration towards the empire. It usually brought him peace to blow up some imperials. Even if only for a minute.

The five TIE fighters find their position and gave them a good beating. The ship's deflector shield generator was damaged during the first assault. Thus they surrendered quicker than they had anticipated. Contacting the destroyer, they surrendered themselves to the ominous Imperial battleship. To which they were tractor beamed inside.

"Ready?" Jyn looked around at their crew, their hands were all on their heads and their knees were to the floor. She gave a quick glance and nodd to Cassian, who mirrored them all. They were ready.

This type of mission had never been done, but the squadron had been dying to try out this new maneuver. This strategy had been roughly inspired by Captain Solo and Rogue Squadron leader Skywalker's infiltration of the Death Star, and the rescue of Princess Leia. Privet Jeled had coined it 'the Green Bluff'.

Rebel Files: Captain Andor & Sargent Ersoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن