They meet again

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A week later Carmella sat in front of the computer doing what she liked while Roy tested out the arrows she made for him. he was about to shoot one at the target until she pointed at him and said "Don't that will emit a foam like substance that grows on human contact I only made three". he put it back in the quiver and took out another one pointed arrow and almost shot that one but was pointed at again by Carmella who didn't even look at him "That one lets out a bolt of electricity that is so powerful it will almost instantly knock them out. so I don't recommend using that yet". he sighed and pulled out another and held it in her direction "Filled with gas should make your victim-sorry none friend cough and potentially  pass out." she said  staring at  the computer.

"Carmella what's up you've been sitting there for hours" he asked knowing she can't even sit in one place for more than 20 minutes. She spun the chair to face him "I'm looking for something to do and it looks like that guy is trying to sell illegal junk again on black market and at the docks. I'll get you a new costume if you want it would take a while to make though." she stopped to see him looking at her amused " what?" she asked suspiciously glaring at him.

smiling he laughed "You're already making the suit and you're adorable" he told her in a matter of fact tone. she sighed leaning her head on the back of the chair and showed him her bandaged fingers "it's a lot harder than it looks. And never call me adorable " she told him spinning the chair to face the computer. She sighed and looked to her side "Carmela what are you doing? Carmella, Carmella. Carmel. Cheery blossom" he said trying to annoy her. It worked she gave him a stone hard looked before yelling "Shut up! and get to work you think I got all day ?!" Unsurprised he got up and went up stairs. stopping in the middle he asked "how do I get out of the house?" She looked at him smirking." In my room touch the black lamp and say your destination. I'll be talking through your head the whole time and will teleport my way over there and bug them even more than I already do" she explained  with a smile.

The next thing she knew the group was talking to him and she was screaming "IDEOTS" and "FLAPERWACKER" and when he came back he found the irritable girl in the kitchen with a plate of pikachu in front of

The next thing she knew the group was talking to him and she was screaming "IDEOTS" and "FLAPERWACKER" and when he came back he found the irritable girl in the kitchen with a plate of pikachu in front of

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"Hey? What that?" He asked staring at the adorable food. "Their pikachu macarons" she said like a pouty totler she crossed her arms. "Why" he asked poking one of the macaroons. "I got board you can try one I'm gonna make some more things" she told him getting up and running to her room. He shrugged and tried one on the macaroons they were delicious he took two more and went to his own room.

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