the gay a mindless behavior story

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once upon a time it was this boy named jacob and this other boy named chrishanto they didn't even know that they were gay until that one day when jacob was over chrishantos house and he didnt have any thing to wear so he borrowed one of crishantos shirts without him knowing in the morning chrishanto saw him with his shirt on and he started yelling at him  and then jacob ran outside on the porch and started to cry then chrishanto felt sorry for him so he went out to the porch to say he was sorry emideintly jacob looked into chrishantos eyes and fell in love chrishanto felt the same way so they started to date they didn't want enyone to know so they kept it a secret  a few years later chrishanto couldn't hide there love for eachother enymore so he said i love jacob over the enter come evreyone heard it after that jacob was relly mad that chrishanto  said that so he stoped talking to him after a while jacob came over to his house and he said that he forgave him chrishanto was so releved  they did somthing to celebrate it was more of a intimate moment i guess in the morning jacob woke up he forgot to go home when he went to school he had to go use the bathroom and he heard a noise in the stall he went to se wwhat was happening and he saw  chrishanto and gabby king in the restroom kissing                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             find out what happens next                                                                         please comment thx                                                                                 on the                                                                 plese vote                                                                                                         gay#22222

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