Chapter 1

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"Hurry up hon, you have to wake up!"
"Ugh" I groan as I fall out of my bed and onto the floor. I suddenly realize that I am going to
Hogwarts today! I grab my locket, which has my name and birthday on it, and open it. Inside is a picture of my birth family, two parents and a twin brother from what I could tell.

Bathilda Bagshot found me when I was four months old. She felt pity for the little child all on her own and raised her. I know she isn't my mom but it sure feels like it, she is so good to me!

My Hogwarts letter arrived on July 31, my birthday! Ever since then I have been psyched to go to the school and today is finally the day! I quickly throw on a flowy tank with my jeans and converse. After that I brush my hair into a ponytail and grab my trunk. I race downstairs, grab a pancaked, and then run onto the lawn. Bathilda follows me shortly afterwards and grabs my arm. We apparate right to the door of King Cross Station.

"I will see you in the summer!" I tell Bathilda as I hug her. "I will be right at home if you need anything, make sure to write!" She replies. "I will!" I call over my shoulder as I run down the stairs.

I walk a little ways until I come to the entrance. Taking a deep breath, I run right into the wall! I come out onto Platform 9 & 3/4; I marvel at the bustle of the crowd. I smile and walk onto the train, trying not to hit anyone in the process.

I look at all the compartments until I come across one with a read headed boy in it. "Hello there" I greet him. He lets out a loud yelp when I say hello. The boy looks up at me and says "Um... Hello... I... uh... didn't see you there.". I giggle before telling him "Obviously. My name is Hailey Bagshot, what's yours? Also would you mind if I sit in here? Everywhere else is full.". The boy stammers out that his name is Ron Weasley and that I could stay.

I thank him and settle in, still smiling. "Are you excited for school?!" I asked almost exploding with excitement. He laughs at my enthusiasm before replying "Yeah, all my older brother have gone here so I already know a lot about this place. Do you have any siblings?". "Nope, just me. It's cool that you have older siblings though, I always wanted a brother!" I answer.

"Hey since we are friends now Ron, can I show you something only my adoptive Mom knows about?" I ask shyly. Ron looks so happy I thought he might explode "Of course! You can tell me anything!". I grab the chain around my neck and pull just when somebody opens the door to our compartment.

"Uh hi..." the boy greets us awkwardly "Could I sit here?"

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