Chapter 1: The Boat

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"Isn't it beautiful?" Holly sighed, looking out at the sunrise.

Holly was Sophie's nine year old sister, who was recently fascinated with the ocean. So it made sense that she was bouncing off the walls when she found out that they were going to Hawaii.

Sophie, on the other hand was not. She and her family were on there way to Maui, Hawaii where Sophie would begin her Shark Sessions that were supposed to help her get over her fear of sharks. Sophie didn't think it would work, she had seen stuff like this on T.V.

Too bad we had to wake up at 5 a.m. Sophie thought miserably. She wasn't much of a morning person. Neither was her mother. It was too bad Holly and her Dad were. Sophie wondered how they could possibly be related.

Sophie wondered what her first session would be like. She hoped that she didn't have to look at a shark, just a look at one of those creatures, and she'd be gone. Even just a picture, they gave her the shivers. Dolphins, Sophie could handle, they were adorable, but not sharks, now way!

It all started when Sophie turned 13. She and her two best friends, Kate and Sky had decided to go to the movies. They had watched Jaws. That was the end of it for Sophie she never wanted to see another shark again. Unlucky for her, Holly decided to take interest in the ocean, which just had to involve sharks. Great.

Suddenly Sophie's stomach lurched forward. The boat was getting ready to dock. The last thing she needed was to be seasick. At least the boat ride was over.

When she and her family were off the boat safely a dark red van that had the words Dolphin Divers painted in bright blue letters pulled up. A familiar smiling face appeared in the window. It was Sky! Struggling to contain her excitement Sophie ran towards the van. Sky came to surprise her! She couldn't believe it!
"Surprise!" Yelled Sky.
"I can't believe your here!" Sophie exclaimed.
"Me either" Sky answered.

"Will you girls stop screaming?" A tall brown haired woman appeared from behind Sky.
"Who are you?" Sophie asked.

Hi Guys!😄
NomiNinja here!
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The continued Kai/Zane blog, and Saved, will be arriving soon.


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