School of Curses

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Today i'll be teaching you earthlings the insults and curses of my universe.(Trust me, I know lots of them)

Let's start!


~Crink/crinking- Commonly used in the Outer Rim.(Adjective/verb)

~Kark/karking- Commonly used in the language Huttese.(Adjective/verb)

~Krong- Commonly used by Outer Rim pirates.(Verb)

~Skrog/skrogging- Commonly used by humans.(Adjective/verb)


~Chit- substitutes well. 

~Druk- (alien) word for sh*t.

~Dwang- used by Clone Troopers.

~Holy Sith!- Used humorously as another form of; Holy sh*t!

~Shab- Mandalorian word for sh*t.(Shabuir- insult which is derived from shab)

~Sithspawn- Used throughout the galaxy, originating from Corellia.(Can also refer to a creature mutated by a Sith)[Most likely means the same as hell-spawn]

~See next chapter for insults!~

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