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Last time..
I rolled over to face him and pulled his body against mine. "Are you spooning me?" He asked, surprised. "Yes." I said quickly and kissed his back, putting my leg on to the dip of his waist and closing my eyes.

I opened my eyes to see my face and body pressed against Bucky's back. I smiled and yawned quietly. I heard his breath tense as I felt his body stretch. He slowly rolled over to face me, I squinted slightly now that he wasn't blocking the sun.
"Good Morning." He spoke in a deep, raspy voice. I smiled and said it back. His hand came up and stroked my cheek, making my face turn light pink. I then frowned slightly, watching his eyebrows furrow in confusion. "What are we?" I asked him, pulling the covers up a bit. He bit his lip and looked down at his metal arm. He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. I rolled onto my back and stared at the light up ceiling.
He moved closer to me and leaned on his arm, looking down at me. He looked like a lost puppy, I looked over to him and gave him a small smile. He brought his face down and gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead. His eyes were happy, but without the smile. I gave a toothy grin and lightly pushed him. "I have to get up and you're making this difficult." I laughed. He just smiled. I went to get up but felt his hand snatch my arm and pull me in, making us both laugh when my face hit his chest. "Jeez, I need to shower!" I whined. "Need some help with that?" He asked and I slapped his arm playfully. "I won't try anything!" He said, raising a hand in surrender. I rolled my eyes and gave him a nod. "Fine." I sighed and stretched my body before climbing out of his grip.
I got up and grabbed an outfit for the day. He walked into the bathroom and quickly closed the door. I chuckled and slowly walked over, giving a soft knock. "I'm coming in." I announced and opened the door. I shut it behind me and put my clothes on the sink before looking up.
My eyes widened at the sight. There stood Bucky in a sexy pose, one hand on his hip and the other behind his head, all while wearing a towel around his waist and duck lips. I laughed and covered my mouth. "Oh lawd." I gasped and watched a wide grin spread across his face. "You like?" He asked and placed both hands on his hips, keeping the grin.
I giggled and shook my head, making him laugh.
"Turn around, please." I said and watched to make sure he did. I quickly undressed and wrapped the extra towel around myself, clearing my throat. He looked over his shoulder and winked, making me blush. He bent down and turned the water on and then waiting for it to get to the right temperature.
"Alright, want me to go first?" He asked and I nodded a little too quickly. He chuckled and climbed in then turning to me. I gestured with my hands for him to look away and got in, holding onto his left shoulder.
I watched as he put his face into the water, flattening his hair and letting it fall against his back. He adjusted the shower head and took a step forward, turning around and pulling me towards him. I felt the warmth hit my body and forgetting he was there, I moved my hands and pushed them through my hair. I opened my eyes to see his eyes locked onto mine. I wave of heat filled my body and a smile spread onto his lips.
"Turn around." He told me and I did so, hoping he wouldn't do anything. I heard a click and soon felt his hands running through my hair, lathering the shampoo into it. I smiled and felt less worried.


We finished washing ourselves, after that we ate breakfast and went back to our natural habitat; the couch.
I fixed the cushion underneath me and laid back, laying my legs on Buck.
He smiled and laid back as well.

"Buck" I spoke. "Hmm?" he hummed looking ahead. "What's your full name?" I asked, putting an arm behind my head. He stared at me for a minute before looking forward. "James Buchanan Barnes." He said and poked his metal arm. "I like it." I smiled and poked him, since he was already poking himself.
He looked over, surprised. "Really?" He asked. "Yes." I nodded. A smile grew on his face and ugh I just wanted to squish his cheeks. "What's yours?" He asked. "Emily Stone." I said, excluding my middle name.
He gave a smirk "Middle name too." He stuck out his tongue a bit. I shook my head quickly. "Uh.. I don't have one." I smiled, trying to persuade him.  But he wouldn't have it.
"Tell me or I'll squoosh you." He threatened.
I sighed and rubbed my nose. "Edward." I mumbled. He gave a confused look and made a 'huh' sound. I repeated myself a bit louder. He made the same sound again. "Edward." I growled, making his face turn a light pink and cause him to giggle under his breath. I shot him a glare and stuck out my tongue.
"So did your parents expect a boy?" He asked and tilted his head a little bit. I shrugged and leaned back.
He leaned forward and laid on top of me, making me let out a huff of air. "Did I hurt you?" He asked and looked at me from my shoulder. "No." I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. "You're like a blanket." I spoke and felt his face move against my shoulder, I assumed a smile. I felt my eyes getting a bit heavier and tried to mumble something, but it just sounded dumb. I let my eyes fall shut and held Buck closely as I drifted off.


I woke up feeling cold and opened my eyes, scanning the room quickly. I sat up and yawned, stretching out my arms to reach at the ceiling. I heard purring coming close and reached down to scratch Ivory's ear and climbed off the couch. "Buck, you home?" I called out but didn't get an answer.
I shrugged and walked to the fridge, taking a swig of milk, too lazy to get a glass. I put it back and went back to the couch, switching on the TV.



I gently broke from her grasp and tiptoed to the door, sliding on my jacket and grabbing the leather glove from my pocket. I took a deep breath and walked out the door, trying my best to shut it quietly.
I jogged down the stairs and tipped my hat down a bit to hide more of my face.
When I reached ground level, I went out the door and headed off in the direction of the mall. On the way, I walked past numerous flower shops, I guess it's the perfect weather for prefect flowers huh.
After walking a good distance, I found the mall. I wondered until I found a formal store.
I looked in through the store's window to see a beautiful bouquet, the one Emily was looking at before, and a medium cut wine dress. I stared a little longer before looking in my wallet, I had enough to get it but I'd have to do some terrible things to earn it back.
I sighed as I thought and walked into the store. I came to the clerk's attention right away and cleared my throat as she walked towards me.
"Why hello there." She smiled and greeted me, "What are you looking for today?" I looked towards the dress and back to her. "I'd like to buy that dress, and hopefully the bouquet as well?" I asked politely.
She nodded and told me to wait at the till while she got them ready.



I was watching TV when I heard the sound of the door opening and clicking shut. "Buck?" I called out and heard quick footsteps to the bedroom and the door closed. I shrugged it off and went back to my show.
"Hey." He said as he stood before me. I looked up and smiled, "Hey."
"So, I was thinking we could go get something fancy tonight?" He said, making it sound like a question. I nodded and paused in thought. "I don't have anything nice with me, I'd have to go out and get something-" I said, standing up. "No no, go look in the closet in the room." He said quickly, making me smirk.


"It's beautiful!" I squealed as I came out of the bathroom and looking in the full length mirror. He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder. "It looks amazing on you, sweetheart." He said sweetly in my ear.
My smile grew bigger, if that was even possible. I turned around and pecked his cheek and saw that he was in a nice dress shirt and black jeans, with the leather glove on his metal hand as always. I'd never seen him so formal.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2017 ⏰

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