Bandcamp - arriving

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Ashleigh (aka Ashie) Kird looked through the window of her blue and silver winter themed room, putting her tiara and neckless on as a joke before heading downstairs. She was sixteen with doll blue eyes and ombre hair. Her hair was six different shades of blonde, with pale rose streaks in curled waves that made her barbie doll cute. She picked up her folders and books from the table before going over to her best friends/mentors.

"Hey guys" Chester smiled 

"Hey Ashie" Todrick grinned

"Y'all are lookin snatched boots today!" Ashleigh laughed

"I'm wearing them uncle Tod, see?" He smiled at the nickname. On her sweet sixteen he and Chester had bought Ashleigh a matching tiara and necklace which read 'Quincess' since she may be his princess, but no doubt when she needed to win, she was a queen! She sat next to Chester with her books out. "Sooo. when're IM5 arriving?" Chester smiled, checking his watch.

"Five minutes. you excited?" She shrugged

"As long as they don't expect us to be their butlers and just obey the rules. Those last guys were so annoying!" They agreed as Chester got up

"Hey Toddy d'you want a drink?" Todrick shrugged

"Sure i'll go get the..." Chester laughed

"No, no no i'll get it!"

"Y'all don't mind?" 

"Course i dont" He walked off to get Todrick's favourite as Ashleigh nudged him

"Why is the Quing appreciating the derriere?" Todrick blushed


"What? he's cute and you like him, i get it"

"I dont..." She raised her eyebrows so he sighed. "Ashleigh i'm his boss, it wouldn't be appropriate. besides, y'all know we're great friends. i'm not gonna ruin that. ok?" She raised her hands in surrender

"Ok! he likes you back though" She got up to leave. 

"Wait what? do y'all think so? did he tell y'all that?" 

"Todrick! we're out of the zen latte so do you mind a spiced up coffee?" He went to join Chester as Ashleigh smiled. They were both so blind.

The cars pulled up as they all spilled out, the door was answered by Ashleigh as they all grinned

"We're IM5" She scanned them and shrugged

"Ok, come in. Todrick! they're here!"

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